July 16, 2024

TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2024


Mom, please set it to high-and-rotate.  Thank you!

pee ess, don't think I'll sit by the window today ...

A copy/paste from the Washington Post (online edition):

Baltimore — Heat warning, maximum of 102

Heat indexes of 110 or more are possible both Monday and Tuesday.

  • Monday: 101 high
  • Tuesday: 102 high / 76 low
  • Wednesday: 97 high / 78 low


  1. Yeah, it's a roaster out there pretty much everywhere. As much as mom and dad hate having the a/c running, it's been going full blast here lately which means I don't get to sit and look out the front door. Stay as cool as you can!

  2. Dearest June,
    Well, you know what to ask for to stay cool girl!
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. A very good plan, Juney. This weather is way too hot and horrible!

  4. wow! that is really HIGH for you. glad you have your little ac to keep you cool.. for the first time that I can remember, the north is hotter than Florida..

  5. We are thankful the heatwave has passed through here and we are going to have low humidity and not too much heat. Summer is not a very fun time, especially when it is a sauna outside. You enjoy your cool home there.

  6. It's been one extremely hot summer June. But I am grateful to say that I have not hit 100°. If it did I'd probably hit the roof

  7. Ooh, that's hot! Our humidex factor was over 100F yesterday, but not our base temp. Stay cool and well-hydrated, both of you!

  8. At least you're always one cool kitty sweet June!

  9. July is always hot here. It's summer. I'm ready for fall. You're so cute June.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to June. ♥

  10. We sure hope the AC is working well in your building, June. Those are some really high temps you are expecting.

  11. June ~ sweet photo of you and you are smart to stay cool ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. I know what you mean June... it IS hot outside!!
    I am lucky as this place has air conditioning.
    Here's hoping you do not get too hot!
    Purrs Winnie

  13. We're melting here too, June! Hopefully you'll stay as 😎 cool as possible!

  14. June we have that very fan (as extra cooling) in the bedroom. I love that it has a timer and rotatates.
    Currently we are living like cave dwellers, all shades drawn. We have lots of food and cook air so NO problems..
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Yep, heat warnings here too. We are thankful for air conditioning and ceiling fans!
    Rosy & Sunny

  16. Yes...oscillate that fan and avoid the windows. Try to stay cool sweet June.

  17. It's all any of us can do to keep warm, isn't it.

  18. Good idea, June. We heard you were going to be getting a blast of that furnace that has been heating us up for days. Stay cool.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. OOH, those are some super icky heat indexes, Juney. You and Mom stay cool and safe, okay? XO

  20. Charlee: "Wow that's hot! Our Dada's temperature got that hot not long after The Event and he ended up back in the emergency room because of it!"

  21. Wow! Y'all are hotter than we are in Texas, what's that all about?

  22. the rotation is the best thing ever... we like it even when it says hjarrrks... and hjooooooorks when it it at the end point...

  23. Our temps here in Chattanooga are the same as yours. Ours weather has been running a month early all year. Stay cool, June! We aren't leaving the pups out much longer than it takes for them to do their business.

  24. We are glad to know that you have made this investment in your, and June's, comfort. This heat requires a long term solution. Here's to many breezy days ahead !
