August 31, 2024

JUNE ~ "I Finally Have My Own August Special Event Day!"

Hi ~ June here ~ I haven't been around much this month,
and now that August has come to an end, 
I thought I'd stop back in (I did have to remind mine Mommy that it is my blog)
just to let you know what I've been doing all month.

Angel Cinnamon & Nutmeg, Titan, Tylan & Giovanni,
Tama Chan, BellaDharma, Dandy Duke, Beau, CB & Manny, Mackerull,
Lady O'Meara, Hailey, Madison, Mudpie, Teddy, Xena & Lucy,
Rosie & Trouble & Penelope & Rusty, Angel Madi, Precious,
Katie Isabella, Misty & Timber, Marley, Nili, Dani, Miranda, Sasha,
Noelle & Reesie, Neilson, Benji & Dawson, Levi & Roary.
From our own family ~ Chewy, Fiona, Xander, Dougie Dog
and ... me.

These truly wonderful, fun loving and amazing cats and dogs
represented about thirty pet blogging friends, but a
few more "pets" than that!
We didn't take a count, but think it was about half meowers
and half barkers ... all active in our community.
And we thank every one of you for pawing forward, for allowing us to
"play with your photos" and to post to our blog.

For us, this August Special Event was challenging, but oh, lots of fun!
We met some new friends along the way and
sure hope each of you did as well.

These posts now move into the pages that follow, called 'older posts',
but as our policy is to approve comments, many comments often came
in after the fact, so we'd like to suggest that you ~ if you were
featured here ~ might like to take a peek back sometime!  Nearly
every one of you received lots of happy and favorable comments
that you'd enjoy reading I'm sure.

And tomorrow we move on into September.  
Hope to see you all here again,
remember to continue adding your daily links to
so we can visit and see what your paws are into and up to!

So we can see what's going on in your world,
and thanks again for spending a little of your time in our world.

June & Ann



  1. June, now we're all updated on your whereabouts!
    Lovely photos of your expressive kitty face.
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. You have been very good about letting your Mommy take over your blog. I have enjoyed seeing all the lovely pets, but am glad to see you back again.

  3. June, it looks like you had a good August in spite of your mom using your blog to feature so many wonderful fur friends. It was a terrific idea, so thank you for being so generous with your web space!

  4. Yes, June, it was very sweet of you to share. However, we agree that it's good to see you again, and dad says he just loves all of these pix of you, especially your jealous polka dot snoozy! Happy weekend to you both.

  5. June, it was generous of you to share yer mommy's skill with us fur babies. She did outstanding work. And I figger since Lynn can not do puter stuff, this was a challenge fur even yer mommy. Thanks Precious

  6. We are so happy to see you back on your blog, Juney, and we thank you for letting your mom have lots of fun with friends for the entire month of August!

  7. June, you've put your paw down, and it's time to take back the blog, although we've all really enjoyed sharing our furbabies with the help of your meowmy.

  8. That was such a fun event and your Mommy is so creative!!!

  9. MOL MOL MOL a month in the life of June the poorpitifulneglectedcat...whose blog was hijacked by her mommy.
    June you did sad/ mad / bored purrfectly. One thing we can be very thankful for is Mommy did not make pictures of any of your devoted friends in your Polkadot chair. That would have been JUST W R O N G
    thank you for sharing your blog and Ann thank you for all the very creative and lovely art you shared this week
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. we loved seeing all our friend and all the strangers we never saw before. it was fun fun fun. Thank you June for allow Mommie to do the post and thank you Ann for doing them.

  11. Paper tents are great. You look lovely, June!

  12. It was fun seeing everybody! Thank you for doing that!

  13. June, what a fun, pleasant review of how you spent your August days! I can't believe this month has zipped by so fast! We enjoyed meeting all the kitties and woofies, and we also knew you were around there too, June!

  14. juney chowder eye had de best time runnin a way frum home N joinin yur circuzz….eye made sum new
    friendz, N joyed all de graffix yur mom made N hada grate time….eye hope de chewy box waz
    filled with all kindz oh thingz tastee and fun for ewe, thanx for givin up yur blog, grate two see
    ewe again πŸ’™πŸ’–πŸ˜ΊπŸ’šπŸŸ

  15. It's so good to see you again, June. You were so nice to let your mom introduce us to so many other bloggers. Some we knew and some are new friends.

  16. Hi June! We NEVER EVER forget about you! And were honored that Cinnamon and Nut Case (er Nutmeg) were the Firsties for August! I can't believe that tomorrow is the Start of September! Keep being awesome! Your #1 Fan Boy Marvelous Marv

  17. It was a wonderful month of fun and friends, June. Your Mommy did the most fantastic job with every single post. Now today we are happy to see YOU. We hope Mommy makes you a beautiful paper tent to play in. Have a great weekend and Happy Good Bye to August and Hello to September!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  18. I enjoyed all the posts your mom did in August. Thank you to her for including my crew. XO

  19. June, your Mama obviously saved the best for last !

  20. This was such a fun month with all of you. A big THANK YOU to June and Ann for letting it all happen and putting it all together..

  21. That was one hell of a lot of work! It's nice to see June back where she belongs. I think you made many people, dogs and cats very happy. Bravo!

  22. Juney and Mom Ann, we really loved seeing your lovely and special art about so many friends in August!

  23. Thank YOU both Junie and Mom. I enjoyed my beautiful pictures, and so did all the kitties and woofies who saw them. And we went to see the others who were all shown. XX

  24. Charlee: "We enjoyed seeing the pictures of our friends, Junie, and just remember, YOUR MOMMY OWES YOU."

  25. It was a fun month, I'm sorry I tend to stay behind on everything, work does that. I did enjoy them all, and am glad to see June again, very much.

  26. And we also thank YOU, Miss June and Ann for all the time you gave us, and the hard work you did to make this month SO much fun!
    Its good to see you again, Sweet June, and all the activity you did whilst you give up your blog for others. May you need a whole new tent...or even two!
