November 22, 2024


OH, for cat's sake.  Yesterday it was 50-degrees outside.  Today the high is s-posed to be 42-degrees!  They call that high!  And mine Mommy still has both windows open and two fans blowin' the wind around.  OH, for cat's sake.  My sweet Auntie Dee sent her a video (yes, she did watch it) all about cats and the cold and the temperature they prefer...

Well.  Did you know that in spite of all our furs, we prefer a nice warm cozy temp of 86-degrees!  And 86-degrees plus a sun puddle is just purrfect if I do say so myself.  And there she is, wondering why I'm suddenly refusing to sit in my cat tree (by the windy open window) these days!  Wonder on, woman.

So, when she came up with that big pile of warm laundry, not for a NYMinute was I getting out from under it.  Sheetz.  Under and out.  My home for the day.

C'mon June, give us a little peek ~

Just one more ~

Later . . .

And I only left for a moment, sometimes a girl has to use the litter-loo-room.  On my return my warm and cozy world had been upended.  Life would never be the same again.  How could she do this to me?  Well, bye now, I'm off in search of another warm spot . . .


  1. oooh that was a surprise... we hope you can find a super warm and comy place... its brrrrr outside

  2. This morning when I got up it was 27F, I just looked it up and it has gone up to 35F and everything is frozen solid outside.

  3. I forgot to say that you have found the best place to stay. I am taking a book and sitting by the wood burner for the day unless it warms up significantly. I have a woolly hat on but my poor bald head is still freezing!

  4. Trying to stay warm under the folded sheets is clearly not working for you, Juney! We love your Thanksgiving blog header!

  5. June, your name says everything, warm temperatures for a kitty. We had snow yesterday and today but you know who still has her head stuck outside getting fresh air

  6. we are having a cold spell in FL too. walked Beau this morning in 54 degrees, going to 65, which means you would be cold even here. butt we do have LOTS of sun puddles, alas no warm sheetz

  7. Oh no, your cosy hideaway has been folded up!

    It's chilly enough here that I actually just bought flannel sheets. I haven't had any on the bed in years, because of the night sweats, but they seem to be abating enough now that I'm getting old lady cold. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

  8. Dearest June,
    You poor thing! Two windows open and two fans blowing...?!
    Why would anyone let the moist and cold air from outside in?
    Using the air conditioning for de–humidifying the air and giving it a pleasant temperature is a lot better.
    Our kitties sure appreciate the French cotton terry down duvet covers and the flannel ones...
    Mariette + Kitties

  9. You are so cute all snuggled up in those warm sheets, June. Too bad your mom had to fold them and take away all your fun.

  10. Warm, clean sheets are a fave at our house too! You sure are a cutie pie Ms. June!

  11. oh junie, i eearz ya! izza berry cold here too! no more sun puddlez jus rain puddlez. i bin napping in my zen den(dresser drawer) eberryday now to keep warmz

  12. juney chowder….manee a hat eye haz seen in me day…well, oh kay, knot manee reel lee….but yur chefz hat iz de BEZT ๐Ÿงก๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ’›‼️๐Ÿ˜บ

  13. It's been cold here too Junie, we don't blame you for trying to find snuggly places to hang out!
    Rosy & Sunny

  14. June there is just something ingrained in da Mama's that makes them to crazy things like upend a purrfectly delightfully warm sleeping location.
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. PS June I keep forgetting to tell you how much I like your header.

  16. Hope you can find a warm cozy spot, June! We had a sharp drop in temp here too, and none of us, kitties or humans, like it!

  17. Freshly dried sheets are the best for keeping kitty noses comfy. Hopefully there will be a load of towels soon to replace a nice warm spot. We know all too well about that yo-yo weather. It's going to be in the mid 60's tomorrow and snow again two days later. We'll all be huddled together then!

  18. June ~ glad you are finding the warm, cozy spots ~ What is 'Mom' thinking ~ eh? ~ lol

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. That was pretty cruel! You looked so cute in there!

    The Chans

  20. Well, being sheetz faced was fun while it lasted sweet June!

  21. June, be sure your Mom knows that you will come out when she turns up the heat and closes the windows. (Or at supper time, whichever comes first.)

  22. Love it! Your poor mama, to be hot on such days, maybe you need one of those kitty heating pads for you.

  23. Chaplin: *PeekaBOOP*
    Charlee: "I don't think it has ever been 86 inside the house here except that one time the A/C broke down. We cats thought it was wonderful, but I think Dada thought he was gonna die."
