June 22, 2024

ZOOLATRY ~ 17 YEARS ~ Thanks for the memories!

And if anyone wants to see what Zoolatry has really been all about
over all these years ~ 
what has really meant the most to us with you, 
our friends and friends, letting us be part of your lives ~



  1. Congratulations on 17 years, that's an amazing achievement! I hope there will be many more blogging years to come. ❤️

  2. Incredible journey you have taken. I am so glad to know you and June though I missed out on all your previous
    loves and lives. Continue in good health. Lynn and Precious

  3. Congratulations on 17 wonderful years of flagging! So enjoyed your flashback over the years. Back then I had my beautiful sweet Himmie, Cerise, And I think that’s why we became instant followers. And of course, we just love little June And following her and her cute escapades. Many more years of wonderful blogging to you, Ann, And friendship. Love, Peggy and Laila

  4. Awwww - memories .... I know I came along somewhere toward the beginning but just not at the beginning ... I'm so happy you are still here and bring joy to people like me. thank you!

  5. WOW!
    Concatulations, and to many more years!

  6. Congratulations on 17 years! We LOVE your blog♥

  7. Wow on the beauty in the link i just followed and another wow on all the life changes you have been through. I think I met you and your blog when Blogville had the meetup out west and not sure when that was. it was during that i think because Madi's Mom and a few others were posting blog photos from all the ones they met with

  8. Congratulations on such an epically epic achievement of utter epicness! ❤️πŸ˜»πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ˜»❤️

  9. mizzuz ann N juney chowder…a most happee 17 two ewe both. de trouterz haz had de privilege oh
    noe inn, manee a familee memburr. yur postz rock, yur fotoz two, and heerz lookin for werd ta
    manee mor yeerz oh both. ‼️‼️ sell a brate two day with sum perch pizza pie N cod cake πŸ’™πŸŸπŸ’šπŸŸ
    lovez frum dude, boomer, dai$y, tuna, sauce, mackerull N de gurl whatz her face 😺😺😺

  10. Dearest Ann,
    June does have a very special meaning for you, being it the month you started blogging with your kitty girls Maggy and Zoey and now with young kitty June.
    It breaks my heart to read that Maggy and Zoey did not move with you... When we immigrated on August 29, 1983 our Dachshund girl Mauzie sure did come along! Would have died if I had to leave her behind. It also was a double sad thing since those kitty girls got separated and you only managed to visit Zoey regularly.
    Our fur babies are real family members and as thus a commitment for life.
    Trying at least hard to outlive our three remaining siblings that I know since birth as I assisted their Mamita.
    Big hugs,
    Mariette + Kitties

  11. Congratulations on 17 years! So many memories on your linked page.

  12. This is such a special and wonderful look back on an amazing 17 years of blogging. We didn't start blogging until the end of 2008, so Zoolatry has always been a constant for us. We are so grateful for you, for all these wonderful years, and for your friendship. Happy Blogoversary! XO

  13. Many congrats on 17 years! That was sure an enjoyable look back! I still enjoy an actual album full of photos, too. I didn't really realize that cat blogging went back to 2007. I had just begun to venture onto the Internet, having started writing a cat book in 2004. In 2007 I joined a forum in response to the pet food recall, but remained clueless about the amount of pet blogging being done. 😎 Cool history!

  14. Congratulations! That sure is a long time to be blogging. We only discovered you a few years ago and we're glad we did.

  15. That was such a fun look back. Happy Blogoversary from all of us!!!!!!

  16. Happy Blogoversary! I wish I had found cat blogs sooner, but I am glad that I have known you for 10 years. XO

  17. 17 goodness me Ann thank you for today's post reminding us all the furries .
    Your link back to the beginning was like walking thru a fine Art Museum. Lovely Ann
    you draw with your eyes.
    Hugs Cecilia

  18. WOW! Concatulations on your 17th Blogoversary, Ann and JuneπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰So grateful to know you, so we could travel a little bit with you tooπŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž

  19. Happy 17th Blogoversary! May there be many more... We loved all the pictures and remembrances, too.

  20. Concatulations on your blogversary ! Purrs to you and Junie !

  21. Happy Blogaversary. We can't believe it has been 17 years. We have been with you through many of those years from Florida through Maryland, and you have helped us form wonderful memories too with all your beautiful creations. You should sit back and enjoy your work and be very proud of it and of yourself.

    Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom

  22. One word comment: WOW!!!!!! Totally Fantastic!!! (Ok - three words)

  23. Happy Blogaversary and may there be many more!!!

  24. Happy Blogaveresary. Like the Stones you get better with eacb year. Thanks for all you do

  25. Wow, that was a beautiful post!
    Happy Blogoversary!

    I really enjoyed reading the Graphic design page, too.

    17 years of blogging, WOW! I hit ten this past Feb...

    I hope to see you for many more blogoveraries!!

  26. Thank you for visiting us! The thing about life is it is never constant, always ever changing and we have to flow with it! Hugs!

  27. Thank you for sharing your life with us! It's a joy and privilege to know you.

  28. Thank you for sharing your past loves (kitties) and all the beautiful art you've blessed us with over the years.

  29. Chaplin: "Happy blogoversary! Wow, 17 years, that goes back even farther than Dennis did!"
    Lulu: "We are looking forward to many more!"
    Charlee: "Look at all furry friends who have come and gone. We bet they are all having a blast together over the Rainbow Bridge!"

  30. Hello Ann & June! BellaSita Mum here. It seems many of us are going thru changes with our blogs.....we clicked on the 'click here' button & the amount & scope of all that you have created & designed boggles our minds. You have been a backbone for the entire Blogosphere for so many years. Thank you so much for all you do for everyone!
    {{{hugs}}} BellaSita Mum aka Sherri-Ellen
    Deer Miss Ann an June wee lovess youss; so much. Thanx fore all you due online. Yore our SHERO!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~
