February 08, 2008


Today and tomorrow we say goodbye to all our family who have come to visit this week. It has been fun to meet new family and spend time with old family (they're not really old, it's just that we already knew them). It's been a wonderful week. We didn't get to
go to the wedding, but the Zoolatry Human has showed us lots and lots of pictures. Sisterbean was really really beautiful and we love her manbean. And we're happy cause the Zoolatry Human and Dad have been so proud and happy.
There have been lots of cute little beans running around, but we admit they've been quite sweet and have not pulled our tails or chased us about. We think we'll rest for the weekend, and maybe help ZH put the toys away, and catch up with the laundry stuff, and what else... oh yeah, nap, nap, nap, nap, nap.


  1. It's great that you got to meet new family! Such a hapyy time for you guys!
    Smooches (and get some rest!)

  2. Taht is marvelous photo of you two. Wistful.

    It's Finally Firday! Have a great weekend!

  3. Yes, but admit it, it will be nice to be able to spend some quality time with your Mom, right?

  4. Awwww, your sister was very beautiful, and I am sure the wedding was lovely. You kitties enjoy the upcoming peace and quiet, and make sure to get all of that napping in!

  5. Family time is wonderful. Those photos your Mom liked us to were wonderful!

  6. *shock* Lots of little humans running around! Sounds like hell! Still at least they treated you with the respect you deserve x Beautiful photo as always x

  7. I'm glad your sisterbean had such a nice wedding.

    I hope all of you get all rested up.

  8. You look very tired after all the commotion this week. We hope you get a good long nap this weekend.
