September 26, 2007


Our C-Drive crashed (not really... maybe it was just Mom who crashed)...but it did go into temporary overload. So many kitties came to visit and we didn't give all our guests name ags. But C-Drive is now cleaned up and corrected -- thanks largely to the hard work of Zoey (our resident zooanthropist, 70 wpm on the p/c and great with filing) and Maggy (her supervisor and the creative leader of the team). We think we have all our wonderful kitties pictures posted here. We think all our wonderful kitties have been sent back to their beans.We think we got all the players on all the teams for the NFL National Feline League.
Some teams don't have players at all, and more than one can play on a team. So there's still time to get on the field with us.
We think we now have all the names correct, the blogs correct and links to all your great blogs.
App-purr-logies... if we have forgotten any of you, not sent you your pictures, or posted them, or put up the proper link. If we did overlook any of you, please let us know and please try again.
The rules are the same for "A World of Wonderful Cats" and for NFL National Feline League:
Send 2 or 3 or more pictures you like of yourself, jpeg format, large size please. Be sure to let us know your kitty name, your blog name and your blog address. If you have an email, let us know that too, so we can send your pictures back to you. If you're playing football with us... let us know your team of choice. It's all just that easy... and we're at


  1. You guys have been working tirelessly!! What fantastic work you've done!


  2. hehehe We know how it is with the human slaves. Oh do we know. Yall have done great tho!
    your bud Pepi

  3. Those are all grate pikchurs. We will look out our faverits of our selves and send them to yoo.
