October 11, 2007


These are Great Grandma's "listening ears". Sometimes they whistle and screech really loud like. This morning Mom called Dad, come quick, come help! Dad came with a lightstick and they searched through the shaggy floor stuff in GG's room. Dad found Battery No. 13. Now what do they expect when all I'm doing is playing quietly in GG's closet and they close the door cause she is going to nap -- and I'm stuck in there with the whistling ears! Of course, I want to play with them, examine them, maybe even put them in my big-ears! All the better to hear you with my dear! But no, Dad says in the end, thankfully she did not swallow Battery No. 13.


  1. wow! whistwing ears! I've never seen those before! What tune do they whistle?

  2. Wow! Bionic ears are pretty cool. But yeah, you probably shouldn't be eating or playing with them.
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  3. Those *do look like they would be a LOT of fun to play with!

    Last night my mom went to take her contact lenses out - no case! She looked all over the floor but finally had to dig out an old case and clean it up before she could take her contact lenses out, heh heh heh. *I know where that case is, but I'm not telling!

  4. Hey BOY... I am tone deaf (no pun intended) so don't know the tune they play!
    Luxor... oh yeah, Big Sister wore contacts and what fun it is... her room was always messy when she lived here; tons of little treasures in there...
