February 24, 2008


This is me, Zoey... showing my Sunday Best. My purrty, soft and silky furs, all fresh and combed and ready to shine! Take a good look... I won't look like this for awhile. The Zoolatry Human and my Dad are taking me to a "The Beauty Shop" tomorrow. Maggy told me the truth tho, it's really the "V-E-T Place" and they'll give me something so I nap for awhile and when I wake up... I'll be N-E-K-K-E-D. They are going to take away all these purrty, soft and silky furs of mine. I think I am going to look very odd and not at all like a kitty any more and I think I shall be cold and I think Maggy is going to laugh at me! HELP!

Sunday Confession: We are confessing on behalf of the Zoolatry Human (who would not do so herself). She is far from being a pack-rat, in fact, she tosses things at random into her big "thrift shop box" (and then frequently goes back to retrieve a treasure from it)... and she does the same thing with OUR computer. She wanted to do spring cleaning on OUR blog and in OUR computer files... and all OUR wonderful awards and tags went into a temporary "other" folder. But being on the edge of senility, the ZH then put OUR "other" folder, not into the thrift-shop-box, but into the TRASH BIN! Horrors! We have lost all OUR great awards from OUR great kitty friends. SO: if you ever gave us an award since we started blogging back last summer -- can you please email it to us again? We want them back -- we want to put them back on OUR sidebar, on OUR blog. That'll teach her to be so hasty with the delete key. Thank you from Maggy & Zoey... you can send to us at zoolatry@gmail.com.


  1. Oh poor Zoey, your furrs are looking so byootyful and silky. They look silvery wiv the light shining on them. Making you nekkid must be worth putting the bitey on sumbuddy. Will we mistake you furr Dragonheart and Merlin?

  2. Your furs are gorgeous! But I'll bet the shaved look will be cute, too. Maybe you should have a little sweater handy in case you get a little chilly without your furs.

  3. Yes... it is highly probable that we will resemble our friends Dragonheart and Merlin... except for the ears.

  4. Dear Daisy... oh wardrobe mistress extraordinaire... perhaps you would loan me a coat or sweater from your extensive collection...

  5. Your furs are very beautiful, Zoey, but remember, bald is beautiful! We don't mind having no furs. :)

  6. Oh, that sounds chilly! You're also going to need some of Dragonheart & merlins cozy sleeping bags and fuzzy blankies!

  7. You is beeyooteeful now, but we think you will be The Hotness with your new "do". We can hardly wait to see it!!!

    Very truly yours,
    The Whiskers & Purrs Gang

  8. that is a lovely photo - very silky fur indeed! Having said that, I think a nice sweater wouldn't go amiss when your human tortures you. I mean, shaves you. x

  9. Shaved!!!!!!?? You look so good now.Oh I hope you don't catch cold! Why do you need such drastic treatment?!!
    As for ZH, that explains the very 'clean' look to your blog,heeheehee.
    I think I sent you an awaed I'll go find it.I'm pretty sure we still have ours,hahahaha!!!
    Purrs Mickey

  10. Dear Maggy and Zoey,
    thank you for voting in the Red Carpet Buzz! You did vote for Karl and Ruis in the male image edited category - and believe me, they really appreciate that! BUT - they are not eligible for voting....
    If you want to cast that vote again you may do so.
    Little Productions

  11. Poor Zoey, we used to do that to our little Himalayan as well and she looked quite cute without her furs.

  12. Oh Zoey, I'm sorry about yours furs but they will grow back. Will you post a picture of you after your haircut so we can encourage Amber to go? We love her floofy furs too but the hairballs are just making her so sick!

  13. Zoey, Zoey, Zoey...Rudy and you are going to have to start a club. We're gonna' do the barber graphic this Thursday when Rudy goes...
    Kisses to you sweetie, it'll be O.K!

  14. Oh wowie Zoey, you are such a beeeeeyootiful mancat! You remind my momma of a kitty who was furry speshul to her.

    Sounds like yur humans are gonna get you a lion cut!

    Momma sez: you are such a floofy adorable snugglesnorgle muffin!!!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  15. Oh, Zooey -- you are such a beautiful floofy kitty boy! But don't worry. You will look cute with your new haircut, too. *smile*

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  16. All your beautiful furs off??? I know my staff is doing that to Maxime and Soraya too for spring, but they are older and have a bad fur. They look very weird then, but someway they feel very good all naked... :)

    Your mom deleted the awards? OMC....

  17. You have wonderful furs. Who would want to cut those furs. No one I tell you.

    I have given you an Inpired Blog award for all the wonderfully awesome and inspiring graphic work you do at Zoolatry.

  18. Ouch! Didja efur save a backup of yur bloggie that might haf them?

    Zoey, I's sorry to here yur gonna get trimmed. Yur furs is furry pretty. I love bein groomed, but my short hair is easy to care fur. Best wishes!
