April 10, 2008


1. ZOOLATRY, as in an excessive attention to animals. (1) that which The Zoolatry Human suffers from, (2) where I live.
2. ZOEY, as in me. Me, myself.
3. ZESTY, as in gusto. Me and my zestiness for everything.
4. ZITHER, as in a musical instrument with strings. I've noticed Maggy has her leg up a lot, maybe she's playing the zither.
5. ZIG ZAG, as in movements to make while hunting. Eric and Flynn perform this tactic when they are on their mouse hunts.
6. ZOOKS, as in gad (gadzooks). What we are sometimes heard to utter, like "gadzooks, is that a new cat in MY house?"
7. ZOMBIE, as in run, kitty, run. We have seen these on Halloween. Yes, we have!
8. ZZzzZZzz, as in sleepy nappy time. Miss Peach seems to do a lot of this. So do Willie and Bianca. Do you?
9. ZILLION, as in lots & lots. The numbers of furs we kitties have.
10. ZOOM, as in THE Zoom. Every cat playing Thundering Herd of Elephants, you know, zoom, zoom, zoom.
11. ZANY, as in comical, comedian. Sometimes that might be me, but mostly it is Annie MosaicGeegaw Cat.
12. ZAFTIG, as in plump. Not me! This might appropriately apply to both Fat Eric and Sir Edmund P. Hillary.
13. ZIP, as in "zip it up". That's what The Zoolatry Human is yelling at me right now!


  1. That iz a good collection of Zzzzzzz, Zoey!

    Thankyou for your declaration of trust in me and my 'goodness'. I shall try very hard not to have 'things' happening in the house. I said 'try', OK?

  2. these are great! ZITHER hahaha maybe she is playing the zither. ha ha ha

  3. Wow. Now I have lots of z words in my vocabulary!

  4. Can we call our Trixie that Zaftag name??

  5. KC said...
    Yours Thursday Thirteen was furry interesting, Zoey. Really enjoyed it.
    Love & Purrs, KC

    pee ess: Seaborne (Taylor CatSSSSS) might need to meet Knot Mee also, he has several "things" happening in hims house.

  6. Zats a great list!

  7. Fabulous list! :) That's a great collection of "Zed" words! :)

  8. Z is a hard letter, and you are smart to come up with so many Z words!

  9. What a great Thursday Thirteen!

    I think we all need more Zzzzzzs.

  10. Bendrix's picture is up! After today, we're going to add it to our sidebar. Thanks so much again!

  11. Haha that wuz a great list. We didn't know there were so many words starting wiv Z.
    Now we haf to go nap, all those zzzzzzzzz's haf made us tired.
    We nearly furrgot. We haf tagged you furr the book meme, details on our blog.

  12. Oh yes, Zoey, I am #11 Zany. I am surprised ML did not name me Lucy, frankly.
    How clever that you referred to me in 11 and some-persons-who-shall-remain- nameless-so-I-can-free-feed-24/7
    in #12!
    It's a good twofer.

  13. Zat izt a very gut lizt for ze letter Z indeed! I like to cut up lotz of Zzzz's zat izt for sure!
    You are simply amazing. I adore the color combo...so tropical!
    Love Miss Peach

  14. Heeheehee,I like the letter Z!!
    Z=zoom groom,my favourite!!
    Purrs Mickey

  15. Z is my favorite letter! Loved it!

  16. Wow. I learned a whole lot today!
    Zoey you have a lot of zippy names!

  17. We never realized there was so many ZZZZ words!! Great T13, ZZZZZoey!
    Your FL furiends,
