May 13, 2009


It's common knowledge that Maggy and I do not get along. We do not play, eat, cuddle, groom or sleep with one another. We chase and whap each other sometimes, that's it. But recently, the Zoolatry Human set up her ironing board (a rare thing). She then ignored it for many days as she found things to do other than ironing. Maggy commandeered it, she thought it was her "new best place". Sometimes if Mag was on the porch, I would get up there. Then one evening, there I was, happily resting on it when the Magster decides she wants to get up there too! "Amazing", said our Human, "will wonders never cease. There they are, side by side." So, out came her camera. Little did I know that in the next few moments things would change... something new was in the air...
Needless to say, but I'll say it anyway: I do not think I'll share this "new best place" spot with Maggy anytime again...


  1. That looks like a good spot, and it's no wonder she wanted to join you. it's nice to see you two together.

  2. Oh, you 2 girls...we will always hold out hope that you'll one day be snuggling. We may be dreaming, but oh well...

  3. I don't like to share my spot either.

  4. Hee! Hee! You girls are just too much! I must admit, I like seeing the two of you sitting naturally beside each other.

  5. That is so wonderful to see you two so close together!! Love the pictures!!

  6. I understand! I don't like my sister Spooky lots of times!

  7. Wow! Both of you in the same photo and not photoshopped? That is amazing!

  8. Hahahahahahahahaahaahaa! We are holding paws over our noses!

  9. That is nice to see you sitting together even if you don't actually touch.
    Haha! Maggy, did you do a stink to make Zoey go?

  10. :-)))))) You two look very nice together, though.

    The ironing board is Olivia's favourite place to nap-

  11. Too funny! You two look really cute together - so maybe you should think about doing this more often. By the way, Tasha and Dobby did not do anything together for a long time, but lately we've caught them sleeping next to each other (not touching of course!) - so things can change.

  12. Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters...Maggie, don't's not your fault..digestion happens!

  13. HA..HA....Looks like they are "ironing" things out!

  14. Tank woo fur sharing all the pressing deTAILS....


  15. We gotz one 'a dem thingiez at our place, too, an' just yike youz momma, ourz putz it up, walkz away an' den nuttin' happenz soz we use it as a perch ta make da woofiez feel in-furr-ior ☺

    Camille is doin' Wordless Wednesday ober at our place. Shez showin' her butt again. Why doez she thinkie her butt is purr-ty?

  16. That is a cute picture - you look so nice together! I know what it is like when kitty siblings don't get along - that is pretty common in our house too! But I, like your mom I am sure, keep hoping...

  17. I good spot is for hogging not sharing.

  18. Nice that an ironing board could bring you together!

  19. Lol Lol LOvely picture of you together, but the captions just cracked me up. LOL

    Hugs GJ x

  20. LOL! That's a nice picture of them for the time they did spend together and so funny when Zoey began moving! I've been shocked when the boys have curled up together too--and nearly fainted when Amber joined them one day! I was too stunned to take a picture!

  21. Oh Zoey! We're sorry you had to endure that! But it is nice to see you two sitting so close together!

    As you know our Zoey and Wally don't get along at all either!

  22. hehehehe - Tamir used to clear rooms like that!!

    Our Mom actually DID some ironing the other night - weird!!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  23. That looks like a nice spot!
    I like to share spots with my sisters, but they don't much like sharing spots with me, so we do get a few swats in now and again.

  24. OMG that selfishness =O

    Jas & Gi

  25. Neither of you looks happy either.

  26. We do sometimes sit about "that" close. But we know nefer efer ta sit near Iza's backside... Ewww.

    LC and Ayla
