January 31, 2010


So, Maggy, hows come we're wearing stripey sox?
Zoey, you know the ZH always puts on her
stripey sox when we're gonna
take a blog break, or
when she's got something impawtant to say!
Oh Mags, we can't be taking a break, we just did that!
Then the only thing left Zoey is she's got something to say.
See, she's got her stripey sox on, too.
But Maggy, that's not the ZH in those sox.
That's not her feets! She's gots big feets,
and those are very little feets!
You're right Zo, it's her "stand in" for today.
(note to Wendy: pun intended)
And by the way Zo, gimme my blue & white stripey please.
Mmm, I knew it didn't smell like it was mine...
It's me, the new little kitteh...
and I'm "standing in" for the ZH, even tho
I cannot stand yet, in fact I can't even crawl yet.
What she told me to say was this:
Last week Zoolatry had a contest,
all about what was in your Litter Box.
(I know a lot about what's in my
litter box, it's quite the pampering place.)
Anyway, she said it was her contest and she
made the rules, so she can change the rules.
(change me first, please, gramma...)
Anyway, she was s'posed to
announce the winners today.
But there were so many goodgoodgood
ideas, she's gonna think about it some more
and so we'll announce the
contest winners next Sunday, February, February 7.
And guess what, I get to help "judge"...
PS: note to Eric & Flynn, see guys, the upside down
feets don't always mean we are going away...
PPS: note to Auntie Deb: thank you and big
hugs for the stripey sox that match my
gramma's sox. How cool is that?


  1. EEEEK! Wittle baby feets! Those sockies sure are adorable!

  2. Furry khute little human khytteh in his sokhks!


  3. Awwwwwwwwwwww .... adorable chubby legs and fun socks! A dubble whammy!

  4. Those stripy sox are so cute!

  5. I totally love the itty bitty socks!!! Have a restful Sunday y'all!

  6. Whew! I thought the upside down stripey socks meant you were going away again.

    I can't wait to see the contest winner from this one.

  7. Ha! You fooled us that time! We came right over when we saw the Stripey Socks title in our reader.
    Those socks look cute on the new little kitteh.

  8. Look at those adorable little feet!

  9. Socks? ::twitch:: Did someone say socks? ::twitch:: On sweet smelling baby kitten feets?


    xoxo Cory

  10. Some little one must be eating well, we love those extra thigh rolls:)

    Woos, Phantom and Thunder

  11. oohhh little tiny baby feetsss i wana grab em gimmie da baby feets

  12. Those chubbie legs fill out those stripey socks good! We can't wait to hear who the winner is!

  13. So funny. Stripey socks are a family thing. Guess soon we'll see your Zoolatry Male Human's stripey socks waving in a post.

    Very cute post. :-)

  14. Hi Zoey! Hi Maggy! It is so good to "see" you both! OH MY CAT!!! Baby feetsies! Adorable! I'm so happy that he likes his new socks! Oh I just want to come and snuggle!!!

    Ann, give the girls kisses from me and give that sweet baby some kisses on those adorable baby feetsies!!!

    Love, Auntie Deb

  15. What goreous chubby legs inside the stripey socks.. Just lovely.. Glad you are not going away.. Hugs GJ x

  16. Mai mom sez what she laiks about da babeez is the "chunky thighs and knees." Uh, huh. Could it be they reminds U of ur own lower extremities, mom? xxoo Bhu

  17. OMGoodness!!! Such a cute wee one in striped socks! I bet it is a difficult "litter box contest" choice! My ma has been silly busy, so my typist has been AWOL lately and we are heartily sawry... Love this Val's Day Header - just gotta say - gorgeous!
    Sending you all Big Hugs xo
    Sammie and Ozzie

  18. We're glad you aren't going away. That sock picture is very cute!!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
