June 17, 2011


"Well, I'm so glad to see the humans gave you a summer cut, too!
Now I'm not the only nekked kitty in the house."
"Well, I fought the good fight.  As you can see, I did not win.
I wonder if my dear friend Bhu will still care about me."
"I don't know.  It doesn't appear to me that your tail is quite
as full and floofy as my tail."
"Touch my tail one more time and you won't have a tail!"
"What?  Who?  Not me!"

Authors Note: Nekked-Kitty #1 played by the formerly fluffy Zoey.
Nekked-Kitty #2 played by the formerly floofy Maggy.


  1. Well aren't you two quite the lion girls? Pretty! And cool too, right?

  2. Oh but you looks like lions! You bees pretty, and gots to be cooler. Our floofy kitty, Oliver, though bees hopeful our Mumsy does not get any ideas :-) Has a happy weekend!

  3. Ooooooh! We are excited! Yes, please, we would wuz to bees on your list! We puts you on our list too :-) Yeah! We has list! We all smile together now and has a good weekends :-)

  4. Now, now, girls! I think you are both very beautiful! I do love the innocent look on Zoey's face though when Maggy confronts her!

    Mom Paula

  5. I think you are both very pretty with your new haircuts.... Beautiful.

    pawhugs, Max

  6. Is there a little tail comparison going on!! We think you both look so cute.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. WE think you look very cute in your summer cuts. We bet those fluffs will be back really soon. We are sorry that your Mom got sick and couldn't go to the lunch with all the great bloggers. We know that just made her feel worse. Take care and have a wonderful week end.

  8. Love the fashionable Ugg boots. FAZ

  9. Oh nos! Not a hair cut!!!!!

    Hope your mom is feeling better.

  10. You may be nekked, but you still can ROAR!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  11. hahahaha!!! Man are we glad we are short haired cats and don't have to be nekked....

    (you are both very cute though)

  12. Eek, not a hair cut! Zoey sort of looks like she's taking it in stride, but boy, does Maggy look peeved!

  13. Awwwww!!! You both look great as Nekked kitties!! We just love the innocent llok on Zoey's face in the last picture!!
    Your HOT & DRY TX furiends,

  14. Poor nekkid kitties. We really need to find some place here that does that for Gemini as she really needs a shave (we think it would be good for her and more comfortable in the summer).

  15. THX for sharing

  16. Zoey- i think you STILL are a bootiful kitteh. we hope that you will keep yourself nice and cool now in the summer heat!

    --luf hansel

  17. btw, Please drop by our bloggy on monday, 6.20.11, we are trying to introduce a very special friend in need of a home!

  18. Hi, I'm Kwee, Mumsy to the Kwee Cats. I got an award I want to pass on to you. I hope you like it and that it makes you smile. It’s in this post: http://akweelife.blogspot.com/2011/06/irresistably-sweet.html

  19. We think your lion cuts look very fashionable for the summer! :)

  20. You nekkid ladies both look lovely to us. The last two photos cracked us up!

  21. Mes wishes me had lots of hair so me could get a summer cut! Yous ladies looks so wonderfuls in your cuts!

  22. I finks your cuts are cool. However, I understand how it feels when the beans do something so degrading. Surely you are planning a retaliation attack? MOL!

  23. Kinda sexy. The mancats of cat Wisdom 101 invite you to a birthday party June 18th.

  24. You sweet girls would be beautiful no matter what kind of hair do you had. We think you both look very pretty with your new cuts. Hugs and nose kisses

  25. Enjoy the cuts Ladies. It will all grow back soon enough. Summer is the time to take all off ..... well, in the case of the kitties, not ALL of it, but most of it so you can enjoy the hot summer days.

    Loverly pictures ..... actually it's the subjects that are loverly, the pictures are great as well.

    I'm going before I say something that will get me in trouble with the beans here.

    Later .....

  26. Adorable post=your gorgeous lionesses look beautiful with or without the floof!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  27. You both look purrrfectly lovely. And your tails are GINORMOUS to us!!

    -Rottie Kisses

  28. Both of you look beautiful and quite cool. I am wondering if Herman would like a lion cut for the summer, but I also remember how embarrassed he acted when he had his chest shaved for his mats. I will probably just let him stay fluffy.

  29. You girls look as gorgeou as ever.
    Love it!!

    {{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie

  30. Hahameow...Disco NoFurNo says you look prettier nekked than he does!

  31. Since Maggy gets nekked every summer, Bhu is kinda used to it. But he sez he is NOT gonna get nekked too!! He is a big fan of full frontal fluff!! xxoo Patty
