November 03, 2011


Yesterday it seemed that some of my friends who stopped by were a bit concerned about the two PTUs beside my napping perch.  So I wanted to set the record straight ... tell the truth, and put all concerns to rest!  Milo  and Alfie asked "are yoo going somewhere?" NO.  Hannah and Lucy said, "run for your lives ladies!"  NO NEED, LADIESMariodacat said, "not a good sign.  Yikes!"  IT'S OK, REALLY OK!  Ginger Jasper asked, "what's afoot, I wonder...?"  GJ, WE GOTS PAWS, NOT FOOTS!  Amber DaWeenie wondered "can you see birdies in the trees!"  OH, YES, AND RACCOONS, AND ARMADILLOS, AND BUTTERFLIES, AND ... The OP Pack said, "rut roh ~ is there a vet trip in the works?"  RUT ROH? RUT ROH??  Fuzzy Tales said, "Hmm, this doesn't bode well..." DERRY, CAN YOU TELL ME, WHAT DOES BODE MEAN?  Abby Normal said, "when in doubt, sleep!"  NOW THAT'S THE RIGHT IDEA!  Cheysuli and Gemini said, "we're a bit concerned about matching carriers ... " THAT MEANS I HAVE TWO TO CHOOSE FROM!  Nellie, The Cat From Hell said "we sees yous peeking!!"  NELLIE, LOOK BELOW TO SEE ME PEEKING ... You see friends, I LOVE my PTU, and I LOVE Maggy's PTU and the ZH keeps them on the porch all the time, doors open, and they are a favorite napping spot of mine!  And sometimes I hide in there, too, cause they make good hidey spots.  And here's some old pictures to prove it ... see me peeking through, Nellie? [Angel and Kirby ~ check it out, THEY understood!]



  1. Our mom likes to keep our PTU out too...and we go in there and nap all the time!! But when we hafta really used the PTU to go tothe v-e-t...she can't get us in there!!

  2. We love the one of you peeking out. We are glad there is nothing to worry about with the carriers being present... so, now that there is no doubt, SLEEP!

  3. I missed visiting yesterday, but I would have also wondered what was up.

    Brulee is scheduled to arrive this Saturday!!!


  4. You lie in a PTU and sleep in it - we still can't understand it cos there isn't even a blankie in there! Although, we do admit that your don't look mental like we do when we are forced in ours!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Strange as it might seem, Tamir loves to sleep in the PTU too! Enjoy your cool hidey spot!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  6. Whew, that's a big relief. We all love to sleep in our crates too:)

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. Awwww...da security! Our packmate, Rusty, runs in his to hide every time it rains or storms.


  8. Ah, we understand now! Annie, surprisingly, would curl up in one of the carriers (up in a spare room), but we boys don't go near them!

  9. most of us are fond of the ptus, but Mozart will climb in to check them out every time mom has one sitting out for the fosters. :)

  10. Me LIKES my PTU, even though me don't use it much when travelling... Me never even thought some cats miight be afraid of theirs. Me likes to hide in mine to gets away from the Hairy slobbery sisters and the brat Kozmo

  11. Cool! They look like nice hiding places!

  12. Phew ~ that's a relief! We wuz worried! xx

  13. Call me a silly human, but I can't figure out what PTU stands for. I mean I know it is referring to the carrier, but it still confuses me.

  14. My PTU is a show cage since I'm a big girl. The PTU is Sissy's. It sits on top of the closed show cage. Our human keeps a towel in the PTU. We think it is a great place to catch a nap once in awhile. You should see me if I hear it rattle, though!

  15. My mom would NEVER ever see me again (she found out) if she left my PTU out.

  16. See, we avoid our carriers--well Ichiro and I do. Gemini always gets in the one that she is rarely carried in and explores! But I do think I would ever think of them as a place to hang out...

  17. Yeah, but... If there is an open PTU in OUR place, it means a visit to the vet... An a visit to the vet ALLUS means pokes, prods, stabs, squeezes, an other indignities. Even if it IS for our OWN good, its not fun.

  18. Mom keeps our PTUs out too. We still avoid them like the plague!
    Purrs fur Poppy Vic.

  19. Well I understand, I sleeps in the Dog PTU. It is very comfy in there and nice and warm in the winter. ~Arty Mouse

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