June 08, 2012

ZOEY talks about CAT Scans and PET Scans

So, some 71-days ago my Dad (you know him as our Poppy Vic) ... so he went to get this CT scan (which the ZH calls a CAT scan so I guess it is named for me and Maggy) ... and then the doctors (all 4 of them!) agreed they didn't much like any of the pictures they saw ... they agreed they were not very nice pictures (now I find this very interesting as it is highly unusual for 2 doctors to agree, let alone 4 doctors!). Then they said, "well, we'll wait awhile" (sigh, we is always waiting and waiting when it comes to doctors and tests and all things medical) ... so after they waited awhile they would do a PET scan (another one of those things named for me and Maggy) ...

So then, about 68-days ago I had an idea and I made a decision, a really BIG decision ... you know how my ZH does all this photoshop stuff, so I went to her and I said ... "Hey, ZH ... teach me photoshop, NOW, right away, NOW!"
So, now, for maybe the last 65-days or so I have been diligently putting my little paws to the keyboard, and putting my little paws all over the mouse (I do like that part) and I've been reading my photoshop for dummies book every night, and I am a very good student ...

So, after this PET scan today, I am going to take my little "eraser tool" and erase away all that nasty "c" stuff and then I'll take my "shadow tool" and all the shadows will disappear, and then I'll use the "cloning tool" and I'll clone everything that is GOOD on top of everything that was BAD and all that "c" stuff will be "no c" stuff (get it, no see) ... I am going to photoshop the ( -- insert your choice of bad word here -- )* out of each and every image and picture they take and then all those agreeable doctors will agree that Poppy Vic's PET scan pictures are the purrtiest and bestest ones they've ever ever ever seen!  And that's that!  And Zoolatry lives happily ever after.  The End.
*PS I am not allowed to use bad words


  1. Me is so PURR-oud of you Zoey....Me tinks you jus found the cure fur all bad tings. Isn't Photoshop great??

    Haves a nice weekend!

  2. We are purring so hard for Poppy Vic and hope he has nice doctors when he has his PET scan. We wish that they can take beautiful pictures that are shadow free.
    Lots of love to Poppy Vic and Ann
    From Hannah, Lucy and Mum Sue xx xx

  3. We're purring our loudest for Poppy Vic, Zoey. We heartily support your idea of PhotoShopping!

  4. Sweet Zoey, we think you have such a very good idea. We will purr and pray for the PET scan results to be very good so you do not have to do any Photoshopping and can use your skills on another project.

  5. Purrs for Poppy Vic. We love your idea Zoey - hope it works!!

  6. We hope you don't have to do that and that Poppy Vics PET scan comes back better than the last time.

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  7. Zoey, we wish we could photoshop too and we would help you erase all the evil c's and shadows and make those the prettiest pictures. We are sending lots of love purrs and (((hugs))) to all of you from us and our mum and dad.

  8. I got my paws crossed for Poppy Vic.

  9. We are purring loudly and praying daily for your Poppy Vic to have better test results, lovely girl=paws crossed until we hear good news, sweetie...We hope you guys enjoy a happy, lazy weekend ahead, precious friends...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

  10. Fantastic idea.... We're all purrrring for Poppy Vic over here.

    pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

  11. We will purr loudly that the doctors agree with you!

  12. Zoey, you know that with all our hearts we so wish you could master that technique. You would make Mom, Dad, and a whole lot of us out here in blogland very happy. All paws crossed here for Dad.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  13. Jenna and SissyFriday, June 08, 2012

    Lotsa purrs for your Poppy! Our human's favorite aunt has "C", too. It is just so unfair.

  14. We are all purring and praying here for Poppy Vic.

  15. We are purring and praying for Poppy Vic 24/7! Hugs & Kisses!!
    Your TX furiends,

  16. We're purring and praying hard for Poppy Vic! And that the PET scan doesnt need any touch ups!
    Boy, dont you wish it really worked like that? That they could just erase whatever isnt supposed to be there and poof, it's gone?
    Hugs all around for good luck!

  17. We wish it were so easy, too! We thinks if everybody purred and purrayed really hard that the doctors might have more agreeable pictures! We are revving our motors up and purraying really hard fur Poppy Vic and you. xoxoxoxoxoxo

  18. Wow, Zoey! U R a medical GENIUS! xxoo Bhu

  19. We're purring for Poppy Vic. We hope all of your studying and training helps those pictures turn out better.

  20. Zoey, if I send you a picture of my cousin can you do the same for her??

  21. Zoey, WE hope that works! We are sending lots of purrs for your Poppy Vic!

  22. What a great thing to do for your Poppy! And me thinks yous could do it to!

  23. You are brilliant! We are purring for Poppy Vic.

  24. We are purring & purraying for Poppy Vic. Our Auntie Pam just took her last chemo treatment, so we know about that nasty "c" word.

  25. We sure are sending many many purrs and prayers for Poppy Vic. We sure hope the Pet scan has a little better news. We are getting the donkeys to cross their hooves for Vic too.

  26. What an excellent idea. Those doctors don't know what they are doing half the time anyway. Put 10 of them in a room with xrays and get 10 different answers is what M says.

  27. that sounds like a great idea! we are adding our bestest, most powerful purrs to yours!

  28. that sounds like a great idea! we are adding our bestest, most powerful purrs to yours!
