June 02, 2013


First a little freshening ~ then a little playtime!


  1. Where have all your lovely floofs gone Zoey? Has your Mom stolen them?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Zoey, you have quite a busy schedule, so we think a nap should be next on your schedule. You are looking good. Take care. Give your mom a head bump for all of us.

  3. Sounds like a good plan to us! Don't forget to include a nap or two.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Goodness a furs thief! Wait... you got to play... thief that gives toys... I am confused. Hope the furs get back... Brother Book had some furs stolen a while back, and they returned. So it should be ok. You should also be able to move faster... at least that's what I hear...like a swimmer does after shaving...


    ~Brooch Czarina

  5. What a great way to spend a Sunday...or any day for that matter!

  6. That certainly is a busy Sunday schedule. We hope you scheduled some naptime in there, too!

  7. Lots of fun stretching and grooming - best way to prepare for a big playtime:)

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Phantom. Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  8. Looks like our schedules were made by the same person! MOL! Hope you have a great Sunday. ((Hugs))

  9. Jenna and SissySunday, June 02, 2013

    You are nekked, Zoey! That's okay coz the human used to have her Himmie sheared, too. One good thing about that is it makes a quick baf for the kitty :)


  10. Ah, yes! Summertime and the Himmies are nekked! Woo Hoo! xxoo Bhu

  11. We love the photo with your little pink ball between your back paws. And tell your mom that the new header is catabulous. Your eyes are so dreamy. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  12. Outstanding schedule, Zoey! But ya know, evry time TBT sees you defloofed like there, he wonders what WE would look like shaved. And we are all SHORTHAIRS!

  13. Awesome way to spend the day Zoey! Our kind of day!!
    xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
