April 03, 2016


What a wonderful few months it's been here in Florida.
But purrty soon, Mommy Dee 'n' Daddy Pierre will be packing up Horton
and getting him road-ready and we'll all be heading back to MerryLand.
So here we are taking in a little Florida sunshine and ocean breezes to last us until next year!  

We tried to get Zoey into our Sunday Selfie, but silly girl insisted on
doing her own photo shoot (see below) and she likes to roll around-and-about in the
sun puddles!  Oh dear, well, that's just how she is!
Bye for now, from PIP and TK.
Wonder if any of our furry friends are in sun puddles today?
Take a peek at all of them over at THE CAT ON MY HEAD ... it's the fun blog hop ...


  1. Lovely selfies from all of you. No sun puddles here, just lots of rain.

  2. Your mom sure has an amazing camera that focuses on just the right things... You kitties! Zoey lookin sweet rolling in the sun puddle. Hope you has a furry safe journey backs to Merryland. Until then, gets all that sunny stuffs while in cozy and warm!

    Me hopes you stops by to see my fun selfie too and to purr for Jolly who just had life saving surgery. Purrz from Lulu and Katie Mom.

  3. Lovely photos, TK, Pip and Zoey! Zoey, you look especially relaxed!

    TK and Pip, we are glad you, Mommy Dee and Daddy Pierre have had such a great time in Florida. :)

  4. Very nice selfies. TK and Pip, enjoy your time left in Florida!

  5. Great job, Pip and TK! And you, too, Zoey! There's nothing wrong with doing some belly rolls in those lovely sun puddles. Purrs!

  6. Happy travels home to Pip and TK! And Zoey, you just really wanted to make us all laugh and smile today, didn't you?

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  7. WE have SNOW and NO SUN to be making Puddles OF IT.

  8. Beautiful Selfies of you all. Enjoy the sunpuddle, Zoey! Have a good way home, TK and Pip. Pawkisses for a Happy Week :) <3

  9. Wonderful tummy selfie, Zoey ! Purrs

  10. Oohhh.... That sunshine looks LOVELY! Haven't seen any of that here, today. Purrs, Seville.

  11. Hey there TK an'Pip - my mom wuz duin'sum d-clutterin'tue-day an'gonna b packin'up tue sumtime butt it will b later cuz she sez we iz gonna b movin'tue BUTT it will b in this same area. Just hope she duzn't d-clutter anything of mine that I NEED.

    So glad u had a good time in Flori-duh. Yep - soakin'up sum rayz feelz really good now. Zoey iz relaxin'in herz.
    Lady Shasta'n Angel Lord Shiloh of Beaglebratz Manor

  12. Zoey looks like she is having a wonderful time with TK and Pip!

  13. Maybe you could take some sunshine back with you to Merryland. :)
