March 21, 2018

MARCH ~ The Lioness

Once upon a time (subtract about forty-years from my age), before my days with Photoshop, and computers and internet ~ my choice would be watercolors, or acrylics or pen-and-ink.  As it appears that our new spring header, bursting with cherry blossoms is far from truthful ~ that life hereabouts is hanging on to the last dregs of winter ~ we share "The Lioness", a very old pen-and-ink sketch done so many years ago I see my maiden name tucked into her mane as a signature!  She is our "March", she is the way this month is going out ~ this morning, the daffodils in the front garden have all leaned over to kiss the falling snow ...


  1. Hari OM
    Well the lion Marched in, that's for sure... will it March out though? It's still got ten days to think about it...meanwhile, I LOVE the header, so full of promise... YAM xx

  2. That is a beautiful drawing, you are very talented.

  3. Beautiful drawing. The lion doesn't seem to be giving way to the lamb.

  4. Love your header! Soon enough, it really will be spring and we will see pretty flowers. I say this as sleet is hitting our windows and snow is expected to fall until tomorrow morning
    Your Lioness is beautiful!

  5. Your artistic talents have no limits!!! No snow here, just more mud. Mom got us one of those Paw Plungers. It works well for our front paws, but Mom is quite challenged when it comes to our back paws:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. That drawing is just gorgeous Ann. So glad you still have it. It is winter down here too.

  7. guyz...thiz drawing iz AWESUM witha cap a tull Z .......we lovez it !!!!!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥ mom shuld do mor.....troo lee ...her haza talent for sure ☺☺☺♥♥♥♥

  8. How beautiful, Ann. Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork with us!

    It's still winter here, too ... blizzard outside. Ugh.

  9. it feels our march marched in like a polar bear ;O)))

  10. Beautiful lion--and I love your spring header. Those blossoms will get here ... someday. :)

  11. that is just fantastic!! I seriously need to pull out my sketch book, I used to draw all of the time and never do anymore :(
