May 09, 2019


It's Thankful Thursday ~ and yes, it may be a small thing, but honestly, I am thankful to be in control in this house.  The humans listen when I speak.  I do control them.  Hang out by the door long enough and "it opens"!  Hang by my bowl for awhile and "food appears".  Look longingly at the jar up top of the Hoosier cabinet, eventually someone says "sit" and guess what, "a treat".  Come nearby and give anyone of them my infamous Lab-butt-rub and magically, the "ear scritches".  No doubt about it, I am in control.  They know what I want and I get it.  That, my friends, is control.  And these things, I hear them called remotes ... well I can control them, too!  I can paw them on-and-off, though sometimes I get yelled at for that ... you know, like Doouuugie!!!  When I hear that, it's not good!  But that noisy box with flashing bright lights, especially if my boy is watching it ~ well, I find it most distracting from my nap time.  It's quite unpleasant and gets repetitive, too, some things just repeat over and over and over.  That I am not thankful for.  And yet, sometimes, that box just puts me to sleep, you know. 
Well, remote or no remote, I am in control.  Of most everything.
So I remain thankful.


  1. Yes Dougie, it sounds like you have everyone well trained.

  2. We enjoy being in control too, but we are not allowed to touch those remote things.

  3. Good job Dougie, we knew you were the BossLab! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. I have noticed that I can boss my humans around too. They fill my bowl, let me outside and scratch my ears whenever I tell them to. However, I don't touch dad's remote. He's like me with my tennis ball. And you know, in this house, the tennis ball is always mine!

  5. It's wonderful to rule in your own castle, isn't it, Dougie☺

  6. I already knew that Dougie. I know your mom loves you both and you both allow her to live with you. I'm well aware how this works.

    Have a woof woof Thankful Thursday. My best to your mom and Zoey. ♥

  7. Sounds like you've got everything under control there Dougie, good job!

  8. Oh! I am in control at my house too.

  9. We think we have some of that same control here, Dougie, but there are still a few things we need to work on, like letting us on the human bed. But for that remote thingy, we figured out if you hit the right buttons in the right order, you can get that flashy light box to show Animal Planet - lots of cool stuff there.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
