June 07, 2020


Zoolatry has always been a blog posting for pets, family and friends.
Yet there are times when I feel it is important to step away and focus on what else matters to me.
I have lived in the Washington, D.C. metro area for thirty-years, coming here just
after college, leaving for a few years, returning again.
I love this town ~ it's beauty, it's history, and yes, even it's politics though they often upset and anger me! 
There is a vitality and an excitement here that I never found elsewhere. 
Though recent years have certainly tarnished the image of our Nation's Capital city. 
I cannot help but maintain faith that the goodness of our people will bring life back to what it should be,
what it needs to be. As I believe
will happen for our country in its entirety, as I pray for it to happen.
Today though I want to thank and compliment the Mayor of Washington, D.C. for her courage,
and her strength and when so many with power have stayed silent, for her choice to speak out. 
To speak loud and clear.
Thank You, D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser


  1. That street message is visible from space :)
    May we live in a world someday where all lives matter and all people get along.

  2. We are so impressed on what the Mayor of DC did. Bravo!

  3. WOW, we saw that on TV but didn't realize how huge it really is!

  4. What an amazing and purrfect thing to do, hooray for DC!

  5. Love what the DC mayor has done!

  6. Wow, that is amazing. What a powerful and important statement!

  7. D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser is a very good person and the people are privileged to have her as their Mayor.

  8. I have only been to DC once, but I loved it. XO

  9. It saddens me greatly that we even have to say those words. How i wish we had put this evil of racism behind us years ago.
