August 14, 2020


Zoey, like many cats, always enjoyed a drink from a trickling faucet, never particular as to
it being in the kitchen or bathroom!  The photograph below is from our Florida home,
perhaps in 2006 or 2007, where she's having some fresh, cold water in the bathroom tub.

A website many will remember, launched in 2007 and hugely popular for several years was,


Although it is still online and active, the format has changed considerably.

It was somewhere between 2008 and 2012 (I have no recall) that this photo of Zoey appeared on
ICANHASCHEEZBURGER ... in the format, with caption ... shown below the original.  I really
don't know how the site chose photos, or whether photos were sent to them.

I do know I did not send it in ~ nor did they contact me for permission to use it.  And I don't believe
when it appeared on their website, that any credit was given to Zoolatry.

 But ~ I did not care about that then ~ and do not care about it now!
I thought the caption was amusing and clever (and still do) and was complimented by the use of it.

Just as an aside, I know that many bloggers are protective of their work, original images and altered images, and that is perfectly fine and I applaud them and their right to manage their work in that manner.  I have always taken the opposite approach, stating that any of my photographs or artwork can be fully shared, with or without credit.  To me it is a compliment that another feels something is "good enough" that they'd like to share or post it.  Of course, it would be just a little bit nicer to have credit for it ... and I guess the only thing that does offend is when someone claims it as their own.  Better no credit at all, than that!  But enough of being on my "soap box".  Just one more thing ...

Our good and woo-ing friends from the FIVESIBES blog had been on a break for some time ~ but we welcome them back today with their great blog hop ~ FLASHBACK FRIDAY.  So if you are posting anything that is looking back, please add your link to their hop, today and every Friday.  Just scroll down for their badge-and-link.  Thanks!


  1. wow is that really just water or are that diamonds?

  2. That is a sweet photo and ICHC pic. People usually upload their photos and add the captions, that is what used to happen. There is someone who used to blog who did them all the time and asked for permission to use some of my photos. One was of the boys in their pots. I can't for the life of me think who it was. I can picture her blog but not get the name. It will probably come to me in the middle of the night!
    I keep thinking Karen, but I don't think it was Karen Jo.

  3. I just had a rethink and it could have been Wendy who had Dante, Dylan and Domino. I just saw her on the blog hop which reminded me.

  4. Allie is the sink drinker here (as in our Wordless Wednesday this week). We remember that site!!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Used to visit Icanhazcheezburger all of the time, but now forget to visit!

  6. What a great photo of you and the trickling water, Zoey!

  7. What a wonderful Flashback. Most precious.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug. ♥

  8. A fond memory of your flashback photo and I too have had several people contact me and asked if they could use the photos and I always say yes. Most people do ask and do give credit and some do not but since I don't make a living with my photos and most of them are just for fun I feel exactly like you do. I love that photo and it does look like diamonds

  9. My kitty cat cousin, Maddie (aka Medusa) loves to hop into the bathtub. But not with the water running!

  10. Love that tricklish, it's so cute!

  11. WE don't like running waters.

    Emma and Buster

  12. AZ....thiz flash bax iz a grate foto; itz total lee awesum ewe were on cheez burger; even if it waz on de sly....rememburr de site "stuff on my cat" !! ☺☺♥♥

  13. That is an adorable photo and the meme is cute too. We always try to credit your work - we are so proud of what you create for us and honored to pay tribute to your talent.

    We love the Five Sibes blog. They gave us a lot of good help when Ciara was suffering from seizures. We welcome them back.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Oh, that is a FABulous photo! Angel Zoey is braver than me....I won't gets my furs wet for nothin'! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  15. I remember this meme!! Oh my goodness! I didn't realize it was Zoey!! Zoey was a part of my life much longer than I knew about!

  16. Hee Hee! Mom has seen this shot of Zoey before! As a matter fact, she had that on her wall at work (when she worked in an office).
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and angel Nellie

  17. That is such a cute photo of Zoey.

    Kitty boy Panzer likes to drink water from the faucet, too; but only from the bathroom sink. No bathtub faucet for him!

  18. Aww, what a wonderful flashback of Zoey. Moosey used to love running water, too. :)

  19. Wow what a refreshing post. It's good to air our your thoughts and be real! Of course most would disagree about their photos being used, but I love to hear opposite points of view! Especially if they are yours.

  20. Heeheehee! That is a good caption, it reminds me of how our Link likes his water, in the tub and trickling on his head.

  21. Wonderful photo and we love the Cheezer as we called them. Goodness they were everywhere and glad the site is still around as it was so much fun. Zoey we love seeing you dear girl

  22. What a wonderful photo of Zoey! And I so agree, that caption is perfect, so clever! Thanks so much for joining in our #FlashbackFriday Blog Hop, and for the warm welcome back! You are always so sweet!
