August 12, 2020


The Zoolatry Angels

Please place paws together for BIG, the handsomest boy and good friend to so many,
he is seriously ill ... Sandra and Bob are beyond worry.


  1. Prayers in progress for Big Boy. You're such a wonderful and supportive blogger and friend.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  2. Who called this meeting???

    The Florida Furkids

  3. Angels Maggy and Zoey look like they were discussing whose sun puddle that was. :)

    We are purring and praying for Big!

  4. What fluffy kitties! My kitty cat cousins are not so fluffy.

    Hope your friend gets better soon.

  5. Thank you for all the love and pouring out of your heart about my big boy. He is he is having a much better time now and healing and the meds are working but he did not eat his dinner at 3. I think he was too full from eating tidbits not sure but he seems to be okay and tonight he's going to have his bed back where it goes because we are taking the little r2dtoo air conditioner and putting it in the front bedroom. I just love this photo of your angel it's like the light in the dark of it the dark angel the light angel it's just beautiful. I have to say that the pictures of the cats that you have taken in sunshine are just extraordinary

  6. Is this the big staredown for possession of the sunpuddle?

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. We are keepoing our paws crossed that Big keeps on healing!

  8. Oh, such beautiful Angels! ♥
    I gots my paws crossed real tight for BB! Such a sweet handsome boy!
    Ruby ♥

  9. Hoping and praying all is well for Big.

  10. The photo made us happy and sad at the same time. But we are praying for big too

  11. Hello Angel ladies. Lovely. We will visit Big
