December 31, 2020

DECEMBER 31, 2020

... a break.  Shoes?  Who sorts those?
Well, I guess we could do the shoe closet once done with the files.
I do get in there a lot.  Fun to chew on those little plastic things at the
end of the shoelaces.  And toss her shoes hither-thither so it takes
longer for her to find a pair of them.

But right now, I need my nap.  I should nap until it's a New Year.

Like yesterday I told my friends it had been a good year for me.
But it really wasn't a good year for many others, they'd probably like to
file most of it away.  Or put in in the shredder thing!

So, sorry if I get purreachy/chatty/cat, but it's just because I care!
I'm going to keep my mask on all the time. You, too!
Cats always wash up, they just do.  You, too!
We are independent often, so staying apart is kind of cat thing,
except of course for cuddle time.  Please, you, too!
I have to take my shot!  
I hope you do too!

If you happened to take the time to read this today (thanks),
December 31, 2020,
my hope and my prayer is that YOU and the ONES you care about,
will be part of our human family when morning comes
December 31, 2021.

Be safe, Happy New Year.
JUNE and Ann

PS  do you know what those plastic things at the end of our shoelaces are called?


  1. Happy New Years Eve Day! We are sure your mom appreciates your help in organizing her papers. Our kitties stopped helping years ago. Mom says she prefers to handle her papers on her own. See you next year.

  2. You're such a big help, June. I'm sure you made it way easier for your mom to get her filing done. Good thing you found that miss filed shoe. I can't imagine how that got in there!

    Happy New Year's Eve.

  3. show lace ends??? BOL BOL... You have the ame wish as I do, that all my blog friends will still be here doing 2021. life would be unhappy with the two of you and all my blogger friends. I must say, i hate paperwork and it would be nice to have an assistant as cute as you.. my shoes are all organized on shelves, so no need for help there

  4. You are such a sweet and thorough helper sweet June. Oh, those things at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. YAY Brian! If I was giving out prizes - which I am NOT - you'd be the winner!
      Awesome, cool: Thank You!

  5. That is a very good idea, June, 2020 definitely needs to go in the shredder! Happy New Year's Eve to you and your mom.

  6. Your Mom is getting a head start on the end of year paperwork, I plan on putting it off a week, or as long as I can - MOL! You sure are a help sweet Juney, I bet you help your Mom keep her sense of humor while filing. Those things at the end of shoelaces are called aglets, I just love that word.

    1. OhMyCat. Too many smart cats out there: AGLETS, you got it! Sorry to say we aren't awarding prizies!

  7. Oh my ~ what a helper ~ sweet photos of the kitty ~ love the one with kitty actually in the box ~

    Happy New Year to You,

    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. June you are 100x more fun than a barrel of monkeys and 1000 x cuter
    Happy NYE and NYD and sending healthy hugs and wishes

  9. Happy New Year to you and your Mom

  10. Aglet, although I see Brian beat me to the punch!
    Happy New Year!

    1. Yet another AGLET winner ... Concats! (but as June remarked earlier ... she has no prizes to award, sorry!)

  11. You sure look like you're having fun helping your mom organize her papers. We wish we could fit in boxes like kitties do.

  12. We love the photo of your squeezed into the box! Happy New Year's Eve, Juney and Miss Ann.

  13. Hee! Hee! June! You remind me of Marv! Right now hes in the Christmas craft box trying to get at the pipe cleaners. On this New Year, I wish that you have a superb January, a dazzling February, a Peaceful March, an anxiety-free April, a sensational May, and joy that keeps going from June to November, and then round off with an upbeat December.
    Love Barb

  14. June, this biped could use your help, since Derry really isn't much of that kind of an assistant. (Derry's the boss and micromanages, but of course doesn't pitch in to help.)

    We didn't know the name for the shoelace thingies, they're just "thingies" or "doohickies" here. :-D

    Do take care, have a lovely New Year's and may 2021 bring good health, hope and happiness to all!

    Derry and Kim

  15. What a great post Juney!! We sure hope you have a nice nap...
    Happy almost New Year!!

  16. Happy New Year to you and Mom, Juney. We agree ... 2020 should be shredded! XO

  17. We've been doing the same thing here. Well hubby has.

    Happy New Year to you and yours. Scritches to June. ♥

  18. Oh Juney - same wishes to you and your Mom !

  19. Happy New Year! You're a great helper!

    The Florida Furkids

  20. June we need to get things in order too. Happy Mew Year Sweetie

  21. You Kim couldn't have accomplished the task without you. Happy new year!

  22. That was a nice post June. We are being safe, no one can enter our home except my mom. XO

  23. I have some filing I need done too and would welcome your help

  24. Oh, if only we had gotten here earlier, we would have given you the answer - aglet or aiglet:) It sure looks like you were a lot of help for Mom today:) We hope you and she have a wonderful year in 2021!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy New Year!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber and Mom

  25. The end of a shoelace is called an aglet.

    A blessed and beautiful Happy New Year to you!

  26. we know efurrything about shoes... and you can call us if you need help ;O) happy new year to you... with love and only good moments

  27. You're such a cute helper, June ! Happy New Year ! Purrs

  28. I've chewed up a few flip-flops in my younger days. Mostly, I leave shoes alone now. However, I will still gladly shred up a bunch of papers if given the chance! We hope 2021 finds you all in good health and happiness!
