May 13, 2021


Angel Sammy came up with another fun photo for his Poetry Corner this week.  Although we did not grow up on a farm ~ in rural northern Indiana, there were many surrounding us, and a corn field filled the land across the road (though never sure which farmer owned it!).  So that field was a fun place for summer games of hide-and-seek, with parental warnings not to "borrow" any of his corn! 
The photo also brought back a few memories from many years later ~ as shown in the photo below our poem: as "grandparents" then, living in Florida, two of our young grands at the time play in their Poppy's yard wagon.  Thankful for the memories!


Yellow Corn, White Corn, Peaches & Cream.
Boiled, buttered, roasted or salted.
Are these summer memories? Or perhaps only a dream.

A ride in Grandpy's wagon, through fields grown so high,
his tractor spewing dirt clouds, this hot day in July.

We helped Grandpy pick it, shucked it too.
Threading it's silk throughout our hair.
Back in the farmhouse watching Grammy
at her stove from a kitchen table chair.

She'd mash up taters, once stored in the cellar below.
Shell peas and beans, fresh from her garden where they did grow.

Grandpy brought in ham from his smokehouse,
"it's mouth meltin' good", so he said,
"cause last spring old-mr-piggy said good-bye
to become our suppers instead!"

A ride in Grandpy's wagon, through fields grown so high.

Supper at Grammy's table, serving up love in endless supply.



  1. A lovely poem and photo of happy memories.

  2. oooh we love that poem... we remember so much things!!! apart from bacon. the mama never ate it because she felt sorry for the pig. she only ate bacon bought in store (silly kid) LOL

  3. The perv is what your poem is today and I love love love the wagon your grandchildren are playing in. I can see why that wagon with the three kids in it brought back all these memories and what wonderful memories they are

  4. Great poem and memories. We thought of "grandpa" too!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Happy memories in that poem :)
    Purrs, Julie

  6. I love that poem, my grandparents had a farm as well and we loved to visit. The farm was like an amusement park to us kids, of course we never had to WORK the farm ,otherwise it may have lost a little of it's luster - MOL!

  7. Wonderful poem with so many happy memories♥

  8. What a terrific Memory and Poem and Photo! Thanks for sharing Ann! We are so thankful for you! You ROCK!

  9. Such a wonderful and memory-filled poem this week! I know Angel Sammy would say you really "done good" !!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  10. My Grans had a very large garden with all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I loved the summers with them

  11. Such great memories in your poem and that cute picture at the end.

  12. Ann bravo bravo...OMCs what a wonderful actually had me licking my lips thinking of the yummy meals.
    I loved the 2007 photo too
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Your poem was so good - we could actually picture all the scenes vividly. What a great memory that photo of the grands is!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Very sweet photo and poem. XO

  15. Wonderful memories, wonderful poem.

  16. A wonderful poem that stirred up some great memories
