May 20, 2021


Last week Angel Sammy from Two Spoiled Cats (with some help from Teddy), gave us this photo as our challenge for poem writing.  At first, we didn't like this photo (an art rendering) at all, and thought "we just won't bother to even try a poem".  But a day or two later, and another look at the image brought about some new thinking ... so we're giving it a go, admitting it was quite the challenge!  


Was he a crabber of yore
from Maryland's Eastern shore?
A lobsterman of Maine
who toiled in bitter cold rain?

A face burnt by the sun
weathered by wind,
the days work never truly done.

The white of his beard spoke to his age,
tired eyes squint at the sunset
when a days bounty fill his cage.

Our man of the sea.
Satisfied with his catch
on this one day was he.

I've found that many weeks, the image chosen also brings to mind a personal memory or photograph, and so it did again this week.  My Dad ... who grew up in upstate New York, always where he and Mom took us for summer family vacations.  Though not a fisherman by profession ~ he loved the 1000 Islands and the St. Lawrence River (Seaway) and all the small towns along the NY state border there where his family originated.  He loved boating, fishing and island hopping.  This photo of him was always a favorite, taken on a dock on Wellesley Island wearing his fisherman hat (!!) sporting his pipe (usually never lit) as we were about to depart for another boat ride along the seaway ~ miss you and love you, Dad.  [black and white photograph water colorized]  Thankful for Dad and so many great memories. 



  1. That is a lovely poem. It is wonderful how these photos bring back so many memories. Your photo reminds me of my FIL. Not a fisherman but a farmer. He always wore a trilby hat and had a pipe in his mouth which was also usually unlit.

  2. that is a wonderful poem and a sweet memory... we go with ad lobsterman from maine..... we love lobsters ;O)

  3. Our Gramma is from Upstate NY and also loves the thousand islands. It is a nice place from what we hear.

  4. First of all we absolutely LOVE your poem for the old man of the's apparently a VERY popular bit of art which hangs on many a wall - we just thought it was a very "generic" old fisherman then looked into the history and found there not to be a lot of that online. Anyway, we sure do like your poem AND we love the photo of your Dad - it's wonderful and if Sammy's Poetic inspiration sparked some thoughts of your Dad that made you happy then WE are happy!!! Thanks for coming on another poetic adventure with Angel Sammy.

    Hugs, Pam

  5. It is a good thing you took a second look at the portrait, the poem is perfect. and the photo of your dad could be aged about 30 years and a beard added and be the same...

  6. We love your poem and we also love the photo and sweet memories of your dad.

  7. Gee! You did really well in creating that poem!
    Mum remembers her Dad having a pipe too.
    Probably a thing way back when ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  8. Nice poem and super nice memory!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. That's a great poem and some wonderful, wonderful memories too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. My peep is from further south along the Hudson River.

  11. That was a wonderful poem! It's made even better by tying it to a wonderful and loving memory, thanks for sharing your Dad with us.

  12. Ann that is a wonderful poem...WOW
    And the photo of your Dad what memories
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. What a wonderful poem and a loving memory

  14. What a great poem and such sweet memories of your dad. We love the colorized picture of your dad. Our mom says his picture reminds her of her grandfather who also smoked a pipe.

  15. Just the thought of being at sea or on the water makes me seasick!

  16. What a terrific poem and such loving words about you Dad! Thanks for sharing your memories of him with us. And the colorized photo is wonderful!

  17. Great poem and such wonderful memories. XO

  18. Your dad is very smart and seems like a fascinating man.

  19. Beautiful poem. And isn't it wonderful how a photograph or a painting can evoke such wonderful memories from the past.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  20. Well done! Your dad sounds like an amazing person.

  21. A lovely poem. I was born in New England and knew friends of my Dad who engaged in Lobstering (barely understanding; we left NE when I was 9). But my paternal Grampa who worked at many trades during the Great Depression bought a lobster boat when I was about 12. We kids loved the boat. And quite frankly, we loved lobsters even when they were cheap. Sometimes we would deep-fish. Usually maybe a flounder or mackerel, but I caught a relatively rare Red Skulpin once. Ugliest fish you ever saw.

    But mostly the boat ride was the thrill. Sat on the roof with the boat going up&down, up&down spray all around. Dad bought a 14' cabin boat for river waters a few years later but that's another story.

  22. What a great poem! And I loved how the poem prompt made you think of your Dad. Such sweet memories brought forth:)

    The Thousand Islands are a great place/region to visit, even from the Canadian side! Boat tours are in abundance for easier viewing!
