June 01, 2021


About this picture. I've just finished my breakfast, it was good, it was grilled salmon in gravy.  Many humans might turn their noses up at having that at 5:00 a.m., but c'mon, it's really delish!  

But back to this picture: while I have breakfast, Mom sits at the table, sipping her coffee.  I'm always done with breakfast way before she's done with her coffee!  

So here I wait, under her chair.  Ever so patiently, until her coffee turns cold ... then we can have a little cuddle time, some play together and she'll turn on her computer and I'll start my morning nap! 

So, why the [MAD] Monday?  Well, it's the computer thing, and it's the first of June, and she has this thing about putting up a new header on our blog every month.  It's just her thing, cause she likes to design them.  But Mr Google Blogspot made changes yet again [it made her MAD] and it seems like now if you want to change your header, it automatically sizes to fit on a cell phone!  At least that's what it seems to do.  To make it fit on your blog, you have to do all kinds of fancy-schmancy things in HTML code.   For my Mom that's a big deal cause she has hand tremors and arthritis in her fingers and poor close-up eyesight on top of that!  Of course, she's older than dirt, too.  So even though she's blogged for like a gazillion years and through many, many changes, it always upsets her.  And today she is the [MAD] woman.  And she doesn't like working in HTML code.  You can't mess up when you work in code.  It's harder than photoshop.

I wonder if her being [MAD] means I won't get cuddle or play time this morning?

Anyway, if our bloggie goes dark for a few days ... sorry ... it's cause she thinks we'll go offline, she'll back up (I hope she doesn't bump into me when she backs up) and see if we can work it out.  Sigh.  Oh dear.  

Maybe she'll get over being [MAD].  Maybe I need to go hide in the closet.  I hope she doesn't get [MADDER] and forget my supper!



  1. June, I am sending lots of purrs your way and hope your mum
    can resolve the issues blogger puts in the way!
    Purrs, Julie

  2. Happy June 1st, June! We've heard that Blogger is being stupid these days. It must depend on the theme you're using, though, because the biped changed her header photo when she posted yesterday, no problems. We're sorry Blogger is giving your mom problems with her own header and hope that can be resolved soon! Purrs from Derry.

  3. happy june day..oh my this is your month right? we hope the 'puter&blogger will be well behived ...maybe it wants some grilled salmon too?

  4. June this is YOUR MONTH, because June In June is a big deal. I know all about MAD at the headers snaffu, i was frothing at the mouth and even said a few WORDS... Blogger was again yesterday messing in the background. instead of compose coming up when I went in a post in drafts it opened to HTML gobblety gook... that is how i know. and twice it would not load my photos, then it would, then it would not.... MAD is in my name and MAD it makes me

  5. How frustrating! I hate when they change stuff and don't make it easy. I hope your mom can figure it out and get it fixed. ~Ernie

  6. Oh no. Blogger can be so frustrating and it causes others to get mad and frustrated. We are sending your mom lots of positive vibes, Juney. Happy June!

  7. She's not the only one that thought it was Monday. Holidays can do that to us.

    I'm glad I went to WordPress. Blogger got so weird even when I was using it. I don't like the spam filter on blogger. You have to find three traffic lights and if you get that wrong it's something else. It's there even if the blog owner doesn't want it there.

    Don't worry June, you'll get your supper on time.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  8. Just keep being cute, Junie, and you'll win the day!

  9. I know you can make your mom fee better. XO

  10. Good old Google, always so helpful NOT!

  11. I hope your mom gets it sorted, June. Blogger keeps having blips since they made everyone change to "new blogger".

  12. The new blogger is definitely quite frustrating! Hope you got your cuddle time in anyways!

  13. Sometimes I think Blogger...aka Google...is trying to discourage us pet bloggers.They seem to think we don;t matter, etc...yup it makes me MAD too.

  14. June, we are so sorry your Mom is having all that trouble with Blogger. We hope she figures it all out, because you know, we need her services to keep our blog looking beautiful too. Be an extra good girl today.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. Mama has been getting madder and MAD-der at the New Blogger...but she is having such a hard time figuring out Wordpress, that until Daddy has time to help, we are stuck with it!
    Tell ZH to hang in there!
    Rosy and the Gang

  16. To err is human, but to really foul things up requires technology. To foul them up faster, have some geek "fix" what wasn't broken to begin!

  17. Blogger makes us mad sometimes, too, Juney!

  18. We have been posting via my cell phone and it's itty- bitty screen lately
    It's so frustrating!!!! But we did manage to post a fairly long report today, even though it took all day, and every last ounce of patience. Hopefully our new desk top computer will be up and running by this weekend. Keep your fingers and paws crossed! In the meantime my ghostwriter has been reading a trilogy of books by one of her favorite sci-fi writers, Ian Mcdonald, called Luna. If you're interested in this author, we recommend starting with "River of Gods" followed by "Hyberadad" and then maybe "The Dervish House," before tackling the "Luna" trilogy. Oh oh oh, I heard my peeps might be going to Country Max tomorrow to get birdie seeds and mulch. Maybe I'll tag along.

    Good luck with figuring out the new blogger stuff!

  19. Blogger can really suck! At least your Moms is smart enough to figure it out...Ma is dumber than a sock of rocks when it comes to that, so my bloggie looks like squirrels created it! Butts, I gots to say, your Moms really must've figured it out, cause it looks beautifuls!
    Ruby ♥

  20. Google makes my mommy MAD, too. It took ovfur her photo thingy [Picasa] and Googled it all up, and now it's Googling up my blog! Poking its nose in where it doesn't belong. Grrrrrrr Google!! 😡

  21. We have not changed our header (that your Mom made for us thanks) so will cross this new Google Rubicon when we do. Sheesh dont real puter people have any rights. When you code it should just say "Size for: Phone, Puter, Original" Or a drop down which is so code easy it MAKES US MAD TOO

  22. Our mom was having trouble posting comments this week. Sometimes they would stick and then others, she would go back later and check (like this post) and today she thought she would look and there is NO COMMENT from Tuesday...SIGH! I've not had the header problem, but I will be changing it later (if I can stay awake) tonight. I'll let you know.
