July 15, 2021


Angel Sammy and Teddy took us back in time showing how kids had summer fun!  Thankfully, the joy of bouncing about on a pogo stick still is popular and a great way to get outdoors.  Bounce over to read more imaginative poems at TWO SPOILED CATS.

Her pigtails fly  
when she does her pogo POUNCE!
His freckles wiggle on his cheeks  
when he does his pogo BOUNCE!
19-Forties Summer FUN!
kids still love it in 20-TWENTY-ONE!

Thankful, as always, for my three grands!  
One shown here perfecting his pogo bounce.

[we admit to cheating with this picture as it is not really 2021, but maybe more like 2015?  grandboy is now a teenager more likely to be rock climbing or skateboarding these days, but the old photo worked!]

Bounce over with us to the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop at
Brian's Home Blog


  1. wow he can do it even without using da hands? bravo!!!!!!

  2. I had no idea they still make pogo sticks. they look cute and oh so happy. good job on the promt

  3. Such a fun and bouncy post!!! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. We had a pogo stick as children; not sure I ever got the hang of the dang thing!

  5. We like your poem about the pogo sticks. Pogoing hands free is quite a feat!

  6. Mom never got the hang of the pogo stick but her brother sure did and your grandson can do it with no hands! That's awesome!

  7. Wonderful poem, and I love the pics of the grand showing how pogo-sticking is done with style!

  8. That brings back a lot of memories! Riding a bike, playing hide and seek, running races, climbing trees, reading Dick and Jane books, drinking water from the hose, and not coming home until dark.

  9. I never had a pogo stick while growing up. Don't know why. I guess I didn't want one.

    Love the poem and the shots of your grand is perfect.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  10. juney chowder; yur mom purrson did a grate job with thiz poem !!! total lee awesum !!! :) ♥♥☺☺

  11. Dad remembers a Pogo from the 50's and it is Timeless fun! Great photos of the grand

  12. What a PERFECT poem for Poetry Thursday!!! Love the flashback photo of your grandson doing a mighty fine job of pogo-ing. So many memories came back to me when I found this photo to use for poetry this week - and if I'm not mistaken, this photo looks like it's just fresh out of the old "Dick and Jane" books!! Thanks for playing poetry with us Ann - BRAVO!

    Hugs, Pam (and Teddy too)

  13. The grandson was very good on his pogo stick.

  14. How awesome to see your grand pogo-ing!

    Great poem!

  15. Great poem. How refreshing to see a boy on a pogo stick instead of a cell phone. XO

  16. Some fun things should never go out of style.

  17. Great poem and LOVE the photos! ENjoy your weekend.

  18. Wonderful poem to match the cool photos.
