July 04, 2021


Getting ready ~ it's the 4th of July and tonight there will be colorful fireworks!
I'm anxious to see them from my rounder by the window and happy that the booms don't bother me.
I'm sad they hurt and scare so many of my friends, but I know their 
pet parents will do all they can to help them feel safe and secure until it's all over.


Independence Day is very important.
Cats are independent you know and I believe
humans should think and act the same way.



  1. Happy Independence Day. June - and Ms. Ann too!

  2. Happy 4th of July to you and your human!!!
    I am glad the fireworks do not bother you.
    We like close to a lake where fireworks go off and I do not mind them as I feel safe indoors.
    I also purr for all the animals that are outdoors and will be frightened.
    Purrs, Julie

  3. You are very fortunate that the fireworks don't bother you, Juney. Have a happy and safe 4th and enjoy those fireworks!

  4. Happy 4th of July! It was noisy here last night...and tonight will be noisy too. But I slept through it all. ~Ernie

  5. Good advice here, and Happy 4th to you. we have had 3 nights of idiots setting off firecrackers and cherry bombs and yesterday 6 hours of it from 4 neighbors which means tonight will be worse. it is illegal in FL but yet they do it. not only does it upset our dogs, all of them but it upsets me to.

  6. PS, i am grumpy today becasue i lost 3 hours of sleep last night, 2 the night before and 1 the night before that and still have to night to get through... loud boom for hours just makes me mad. the ones you can see from your tower, are probably the city doing them. it is the private people that make me crazy

  7. Juney you have a bird's eye view there too. Enjoy
    Hugs all around

  8. Agreed and I do remember my days (years) of Florida living! Actually the City of Baltimore cancelled them for this year, tho some could be heard in the distance, tho not seen, and maybe a repeat tonight?
    Hey, you are the Mad Snapper ... so how 'bout a runabout the neighborhood, bare your teeth and SNAP MADLY at all those
    bad noisy nasty and illegal peeps ... or bare more and scare 'em to H and back!

  9. You sure look cute sweet June. Happy Independence Day!!!

  10. Junie, it was so noisy last night, that I...a human...was afraid to be outside in my own backyard!
    However, every Eastside Cat was like...meh...
    Happy Independence Day.🇺🇸

  11. Enjoy the fireworks sweet June, Happy 4th!

  12. Lovelee thottss an Selfie June girl...yore so purrty an so clevurr!
    **purrss** BellaDharma an <3 LadyMew

  13. We hope you get to see the fireworks from your place. We haven't been to watch our local display in a long time. But we can usually hear them, depending on which way the wind is going.

  14. Terrific Selfie(s) June and I am glad you are not frightened by the fireworks. I hated them when we lived in the city. We hope you and your family have had a marvellously Happy Independence Day!

  15. Hope your day was happy and that the boomers didn't scare you, June.

    We had a huge professional display right in front of our house Saturday night...there is a big field there, and the peeps that live there, well, they have their work picnic right there! So we had a gratis show! Us pups stayed safe inside with the windows and doors closed. There are more boomers tonight, but nothing large...the large one is at the airport about 8 miles from here.

  16. Happy Independence Day, sweet Juney and Mom Ann!

  17. Like you, I don't get scared when the firecrackies boom. I even like watching them from the glass door. Chin nuzzles.

  18. June we totally agree with you. Glad we had quiet Booms but Miss Fitz hears the ones just barely registering for the rest of us. She went and did Fitz things in her cubby

  19. Hope you had a wonderful 4th, since i had to work, i am way behind on blog reading!
