August 04, 2021


For some reason my mommy decided to rearrange all the furniture in our little studio a day or two ago.  Purrsonally I thought it was fine just as it was, and thankfully she didn't move my toys around at all!  It's really hard to make things all that much different when you live in just "one room" and everything else is either a closet or our shared litter room!  Meow.  But giving credit where it's due ~ she did it. 

I helped a lot, getting under each thing she wanted to move, which meant it all took a whole day instead of a half day to finish.  I also found all the dust bunnies and my toys that had been hiding under stuff for the last eleven-months!  So, my point in sharing all this with you is that I had mostly lost interest in our daybed.  Oh, I slept there with her at night, but I chose other spots for my multi-naps during the day.  

But once done everything looked new and exciting, I rediscovered the day bed and realized it was a truly wonderful place for cat naps ... on top of the covers, beneath them ... playing with the pretty pillows ... let me show you... 

It's a nice place to rest and at this end I can watch her work on my blog!
When I get a bit sleepy-eyed I can tuck myself under the coverlet.

See how comfy-cozy it is for a kitty cat!

When I wake from my little nap it's impawtent to stretch a bit!
Hey Mom!  Yes, you!  You there on your computer, 
working on my blog.
I'm done with nap time.  Ready for a treat please.  Ready to play.
Make up the bed I messed up?  Who, me?  Not me!


  1. i wish I could move furniture, we have no other way to put ours and we don't live in one room. there is only one way to have it. good job on the rearagne and i have to say you look spectacular on the day bed.. what fun and i am surprise your mama could do a post while watching all this going on..

  2. Awww, what a beautiful day bed sweetie you are, June. And your big round eyes are amazing!

  3. Rearranging is something kitties are supposed to love. Glad you figured out the joy in it finally and some new places to have some fun.

  4. My mom used to love to rearrange furniture but we have wall-to-wall carpeting here and it would wrinkle the rugs that we don't own. Have fun with all of your new discoveries, Juney!

  5. Looks like she arranged it just for you, June!

  6. How cool to find toys AND a napping spot again.

  7. Oh Juney you and mom love your enrichment activities!! Be sure neither of you stub your toe on any newly placed furniture. I am also receiving email notices about your new post but they are arriving a day late. I rec'd yesterday's this morning.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Meow, yes! We have noticed that speedy delivery is a little like our USPS these days ... NOT!

    2. Stop cutting down the mail service. How else are you going to get your bills?

  8. Things always take twice as long to do with kitties helping, but they're a lot more fun to do with kitties helping! You sure look cute in that bed sweet June, enjoy your comfies.

  9. Betcha your mom really enjoyed having you as her assistant, Junie!

  10. You helped mom in a way only kitties help. In the way more than anything else, but it's a good thing. You're helping in your own way. You don't make bed either. We all know that.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  11. You sure seemed to have a good time helping with the rearranging sweet June!

  12. Oh Juney, you are too cute under those covers!!
    Jakey and the Gang

  13. juney chowder; furny churez a side....we say sum one was reddy ta get inta mizz cheef.... { fotoz two ;) ♥♥☺☺

  14. There's nothing like sprucing the place up a bit to make you see it with new eyes.

  15. You must be tired from all that helping.:) XO

  16. We nee to do a rearrangement least we think so...then we could get better access to the living room, and the bedrooms. They for some reasons have gates or doors...and pawppy's office, oh how we would love to get in there and wrestle with all the paper and magazine piles! LOL!

    At least *her* desk is in the dining room, so we can snoopervise and get cuddles too!

    You're too cute, are the best at stealing hearts:)

  17. Well, little Ms. June, it looks like you and that daybed have become best buddies:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. Looks like you had a fun time, June!

  19. Oh what fun you two must have had. The daybed looks very comfy for your nap time and the pretty pillows, I bet you enjoy them too. Have fun and get your naps in too.

  20. Good job helping Mom with all that rearranging, Junie!

  21. I hate when my parents move the furniture but it does expose new and secret things.

  22. June! You are quite the character! Your antics reminded me of Queen Nellie when I moved into the apartment in the sky!

  23. It can be disturbing for our homes to be rearranged but it looks like you have settled in. I always loved being under the covers it is such fun
