August 25, 2021


Do I really have to get in there?  Like do I really really have to go to Dr Vet?

Well, if I do ~ well, OK then ~ but, I'd best wash up before!

Inside now, mmm?  Already?  Time to go?

Is it a long drive?  Can I sit in the front seat with you?

Can I look out the window?

I'd be more inclined to comply if you tossed a treat or two inside?

Don't forget my mousie.  Maybe some nip.  A good book.

So what if I can't read.

No. I am not dawdling.

Take a deep breath.  Count to ten.

One.  Two.  Three.  Four.  Five.  Six.  Seven.  Eight.  Nine.

... meow ...

Wordless [but I've been Wordy] Wednesday

P.S. my friend, Angel Madi's Mom goes to her Vet today too, 
and Madi told me her mommy should have some
paws together, so please go wish her well, thank you,



  1. you will get super good news... our vet would dream about having us in a carrier... that would make it easier for him, but with his price list, we think he has to earn that lots of green papers da hard way...

  2. June, we sure hope it's just a regular check up!

    Our purrs to Angel Madi's mom!

  3. We hope you get a great report from your vet, Juney!

  4. Mom puts out our kitties carriers before they go to the vet too and they almost always go in. Good luck at the vet.

  5. I hope all goes well for you at the vet, June!

  6. All the best sweet June, we're sending purrs.

  7. We have our paws crossed that everything goes well for you at your vet, June. Our paws are crossed for Miss Cecilia too.

  8. I'm sure you'll be just fine, but not wanting to go is normal for kitties. They never like to go to the vet.

    Prayers for Cecilia.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  9. In order to catch our angel Maddie cat (aka Medusa, aka The Kitten Overlord) and put her into a transport crate, we had to chase her into the smallest bedroom, close the door, tip the bed up on its side, very carefully take out all the other furniture until there was nothing left for her to crawl under or behind, before you could catch her, spitting and scratching and biting and stuff her in the crate. Yes, this is a true story about when Maddie cat's owner, sibling #2 of 4 moved out of the house and into her own apartment. Miss June is actually being very good!

    1. Our story is a wee bit more "fictional" than not ... it does require a bit of work to get her in, but far, far from what you went through with The Kitten Overlord!!!

  10. What a good girl you are June, we are sending pawsitives for a good Vet visit for you.

    To answer your question on our blog today - Twoey is one of three in a feral litter we trapped, his sister is Tres and his brother is June Bug (we couldn't come up with something onesy).

  11. I hope it went well. I am praying for Cecilia. XO

  12. Don't forget to sharpen your claws.

  13. Mackey hates going to the vet and she isn't very well behaved when she gets there. All our other dogs have liked seeing their friends at the vet's office and loved the super treats, so Mom doesn't enjoy taking Mackey either.

  14. June, we hope both you and Madi's Mom have your vet appointments go well !

  15. Maybe warm up your voice a bit Junie? So you can sing the traveling song all the kitties (that we know) like to sing? teeheehee
    Rosy and the Gang

  16. Hope the vet visit goes well and you got a good 'review'. Us Angels used to have fun with anyone who tried to get us in the PTU, but when it was time to get back in for the return trip we couldn't get us in fast enough! LOL!

  17. We hope you had a good VET visit, June, and we know that Mom kept you good company in the car getting there. We do have our paws crossed for Madi's Mom to be just fine.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. You were very brave. I don't know if I would have done so well

  19. Hoping you had a good vet visit, June! And many hopes that Madi's Mom does well too.

  20. Lots of prayers for you and your friend Madi's Mom.

  21. We sure hope your visit to the vet goes well, Juney. And Angel Madi's Mom's, too.

  22. We don't even try to get Marv into a PTU. And we are purraying for Madi's Mom!

  23. We stopped by and gave our purrs and now give them to you too June
