November 06, 2021

CATURDAY ART ~ My Friend Pip

My friend PIP ~ Pip is my "big brother".  My hu-mom really loves Pip, she's known him a long, long time and he is quite the special boy.  In fact, when she "gotcha me", her special-quiet-mind just might have chosen me 'cause I look like Pip!  How about that!  Pip's mom 'n' dad are my moms bestest friends.  They are snow-birds and in summertime they live not too far from us, but then they go south in the winter, so I guess Pip is a snow-cat!  During the summer, I went to visit Pip for a weekend, but I was not very sociable.  I'm not around other peoples or anipals to often, so I was shy and hid almost the whole time we visited.  But Pip, he was a gentleman for sure, he did not mess with me, but kindly sniffed and said "meow" ever so gently, and waited for me to come to him ... I'm sorry I didn't do that.  Now he is in the Sunshine State and I won't get to see him for many months.  But today, you get to see him ... here are two pictures his mom sent ~

The first he's just lounging and napping, the easy boy ... 
and in the second picture he's at a favorite spot, the cat-tree on the back porch.  My hu-mom said the feather-toy dangling down looked like it could be a birdie's nest, so just for fun ... that's what we made it into ... bird and all!  And that is our Caturday Art ... 


Now, off to join Athena and Marie, Athena Cat Goddess, Wise Kitty
for the
Caturday Art Blog Hop


  1. We love it!!! We hope your Mom comes to visit this winter.

  2. Pip certainly is stunning, in real life and in his artwork, too.

  3. I just want to say that me and my dad and mom are glad you visited even though it was scary for you. Next summer we will be the bestest of friends!
    Thanks for the art my mommy loves it and takes a copy.
    Love your brofur Pip

    Mom: That's a bit of a run-on sentence; can I fix it for you?

    Pip: No.

  4. Aww, we love Pip, too. Mom's artwork of him sure turned our nice!

  5. That is lovely art. I remember Pip and also those who came before, TK and Squashies.

  6. Pip is so handsome and his artwork is just too cute and you are just the cutest November pilgrim girl, Juney!

  7. Love the bird on top of the head!

  8. Pip is a handsome boy. Very pretty art. XO

  9. Pip is really a special one and you couldn't have a better big brother sweet June!

  10. Pip looks amazing with that birdie...birdie...did I see a birdie? Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  11. It was nice to meet your pretty kitty friend!

  12. Pip sure is a handsome boy - and there is a bit of a resemblance. Let's hope when you and Pip getto meet again you don't feel as shy. Purrs !

  13. Junie, your hu-mom picked you for YOU, and you are a gorgeous kitty.
    Pip is strikingly good-looking too.

  14. I came from Florida and wish I cold winter there.

  15. Pip is one handsome man cat! You two DO look alike! And we love the bird on his head! I, Marv would love to have birdies get that close! And June, we love seeing you as a pilgrim! You look marvellous darling.

  16. wild clapping for the cat and bird art.. Pip sure looks a lot like you.. both of you are very specail...

  17. Hello, Pip!!
    Is that birdie on your head teasing you a wee bit!! We can bark it away if need be...LOL!
    Great art idea!

  18. That's a cool artwork! Pip is almost as handsome as June is beautiful.

  19. What a beautiful header!!! Pilgrim June is so precious. We know Pip through your Mom - he and his peeps have been wonderful friends to her and we love them for that.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
