January 27, 2022


What did you say?  Another blog break?  It can't be.  
I mean really, you didn't even give me time the last few days 
to visit my furriends or meow on their bloggies, 
what's up with you? Do you know how upset I am!!!

I'm sorry, sweetie, it is what it is, stuff happens, things come up.
And I do apawlogize to my friends ~ and your furriends ~
for not letting you visit them, it's all on me, not you, Juney.

~ but, mommy ~

Too much on my plate, little one.  
Meow, what does that mean, there's never enough on my plate! 

Purromise, I'll do my best not to make it a long break.

I'm still upset, so don't mess with me right now.


Monday, January 31
February Events and Badges will auto-post if you'd
like to stop by and grab yours.


Comments are off today.