February 04, 2022




Are you thinking I'm going to pick up your toys, put them back in the toy basket?
Yes, that's what I am thinking.

Well, I'm not.
But I think you will.

Because you'll get tired of seeing them all over the floor, and you'll just do it!
Nope.  Not this time.

Meow, I know you better than you know yourself.
Oh really.

Yeah.  You have obsessive cat order disorder, OCOD, as in O-Cod, you can't stand the mess!
You think you're a real comedee-cat, don't you.

Just trying to compete with Dani, she's the comedee-queen.
You'll never reach her heights!  She's got it nailed, the gold medal, the crown, the emmy, the oscar, shall I go on?

Uhh, you've made your point.  Still not picking up the toys.
Oh, but you will ... if you want to ever see those cans in the 3rd drawer
in the kitchen get opened again ...

Threats?  You're threatening me?  
You know, I can give as good as I get ... these claws are overdue for a trim!
Now who is the threatening one ... PICK UP YOUR TOYS ... or else ...

Or else, what?
Oh, for COD's sake, I need to run Mr Dyson, move away while I pick up these toys.


Told you so.
By the way, when you're done, could we maybe have a little talk about my
litter box?  I think emptying the poops and adding fresh litter twice a day is not
to my benefit and I'd much prefer it be done four times daily, at a minimum.
Having researched this and discussed it at great length with others in the feline
community, I've come to the conclusion that increasing your cleaning and
disposal schedule would be an improvement for my well-being and comfort.
It would be more sanitary and I would have less litter-glitter on my paws which
I find quite irritable.  Damp litter also tends to create dingleberries 
that as you know can be most unattractive, especially on date night.

Can't say the cats got your tongue, watch out as
you're on your way to being re-adopted, girl.
Besides, you don't date!

How little you know once the lights go out ...


  1. ha! it ends always da same way... the mama knows that from her childhood and we know that from our eternal childhood ;O)

  2. Your kitty knows you all too well. lol What a riot! I loved the dialogue. Who's to say this isn't what she was thinking. Thanks for the giggles!

  3. Yes June, that's pretty much how it plays out!!
    MOL, MOL !!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  4. I was waiting for you to pick up those toys so i could say to Beau, put the toys back in the basket. he is great at taking them out but NEVER puts them back

  5. Oh, Juney. Mom doesn't even ask me to clean up after myself because she knows it will get her nowhere. Wait - isn't that what moms are for?!

  6. You nailed this June. It's how cats operate and have for centuries. Brilliant.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  7. You look like you were having fun playing with your toys, June. Too bad your mom wanted to vacuum and had to put them all away.

  8. SO June tell us what you REALLY think?! LOL MOL
    Hugs cecilia

  9. Work it, June!
    You can outsmart your humom.

  10. Maybe she does date and Mom doesn't know it.

    1. Yeah, there's a cool cat on the 18th floor who ...

  11. We know you're really in charge sweet June, really!

  12. BOL! Oh Junie, you sure told her!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Sunny

  13. Oh my- what a silly conversation- we all knew she'd have to pick up after you! Have a great nap today and every day!

  14. They can be worse than talking to a teenager, but more lovable.

  15. Thanks for the shout-out. Actually Ann, we are quite alike when trying to argue with our kitties. It's a waste of time because they always turn everything inside out and mess with your head. The thing is they seem to have almost unlimited patience and we have very little of it to begin with. Best just to give in from the start, methinks.

  16. This is so funny and yep, so true!

  17. Most fiction is based in fact...

  18. HAH! You got your toys picked up but what about that litter box. Did she budge on that?

  19. LOL, LOL!
    That was a funny conversation, but you know, I think it sort of goes that way in most homes...it does here with the pups, too...they start emptying the toy box as soon as I put them all back in there, Sigh...

    June, you have a secret life, eh?? MOL!
