April 23, 2022


 We all love seeing Eric and Flynn sleeping in their flower pots ~ it's an all time favorite photo!  This part of the story is true.

This part of the story is not true.  As June and I took a walk in the park one lovely afternoon, she noticed a pot of pretty spring flowers on a front doorstep.  "I, too, would like to sit in a pot, just like Eric and Flynn," she meowed to me.  She did not sit there too long, fussing that the leaves tickled her you-know-what and her tail, but she did sit still just long enough for todays Caturday Art picture!

Caturday Art
sponsored each week by
Athena and Marie


  1. Well urned, June. You look like a natural, naturally.

  2. Spectacular.....whether it's true or untrue it's very adorable!!!! I don't think I have any pots big enough for BIG TED to sit in. I believe he'd have some "spillover" issues.

    Hugs, Pam

    1. "Untrue" as June is strictly an indoor girl and would only walk in the park through the magic of photo-art!

  3. You look so pretty surrounded by flowers, Juney.

  4. still smiling at CCL Well Urned. well turned wordsmith. you do look soooo cute in the flower pot..

  5. You are a flower of great beauty yourself, Junie!

  6. June you look quite regal on your stone throne.
    I had to click on the photo to get it to come it. It is blank when your blog opens
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Update
    I came back to your blog, now your photo of you on your regal throne of stone pops up

  8. That is a very cute picture of June in her pot. Eric and Flynn would be proud of her. We have just got back from a two week cruise so I haven't been commenting. I won't even attempt to catch up on the 600+ posts in my reader but will be back commenting regularly from tomorrow.

  9. You are so cute sitting in that flowerpot, June. It would also have to be magic if we were to sit in a flowerpot and it would have to be a big pot. BOL!

  10. Aww, we like your story, Juney. It's "based on true events." :)

  11. That s a great way to celebrate the beauty of spring flowers, and you are the centerpiece in there, so beautiful, Miss June!

  12. You look purrfect in there sweet June, Eric and Flynn would be most proud!

  13. You look very pretty with the flowers, June, whichever way you arrived there!

  14. You are far prettier than the flowers. XO

  15. If i say a punny and tell you it's a great "pot shot," would you still let me visit here? AFter all, it's Shakespear's birth anniversary and he was always good with puns.

  16. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful kitty!
