April 18, 2022


 Yes, I'd like a nice photo of you on your polka dot pillow please ~

Uh, I'm not sure about this, it's squishy, not firm ~

OK, take it.  Fast.  I'm outta here ~

But you don't look quite right. OK, I want a nice picture.  June, June ... c'mere please ...

Pet pawrents, ppffftt.


  1. You are adorable as always, June, and we hope that your humom is feeling better.

  2. Hope your mom is feeling better this morning.

    You're sure cute, June. Let mom take all the pictures she wants. We get to see you when you let her.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  3. That looks like a comfy pillow, June. I hope your mom is feeling better now. ~Ernie

  4. You look adorable on that pillow. We hope your Mom feels better soon.

  5. we love you with the pillow... every photo is great with a june ;O)

  6. June did a great job posing for you in the end, after giving you a great view of her end, that is. Precious Pud! Sorry to you're still not well, Ann. Hope you feel better real soon. Hugs and healing vibes.

  7. love the polk dot egg and sorry Mama had a bad day... Just June Is always enough... plus we got polkadots

  8. That polka dot pillow makes a perfect perch for you, June. We're sorry to hear your mom wasn't feeling well yesterday and hope she feels much better today.

  9. Sometimes squishy is good, Juney. We hope your mom feels better soon.

  10. Oh June ~ you are beautiful ~ do hope Mom is feeling better today ~ Xo

    Wishing you laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. You do look good on polka dots, June!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Sunny

  12. June I do hope huMOM feels better today. Thank you for taking a moment out of your very busy schedule to pose for us.
    Hugs cecilia

  13. I hope your mom feels better soon. XO

  14. June I think your polka dot pillow picture is perfect - love that look in your eyes too - "this is the bestest I can do Mom!"........and it matches your polka dot Easter egg too!!!! Hope your Mom feels better...

    Hugs, Teddy

  15. Hope your Mama feels better Junie ! These are cute pictures !

  16. Oh June! Are you being the bestest nurse ever? We hope your Mom is feeling finer today. We send purrayers! Marv and Mom

  17. She looks good on the pillow, even if it is a bit squishy.
    What a cuty kitty!!!


  18. Adorable pictures of you June, and we hope your Mom is feeling better.

  19. Happy Monday, cutie! Hope your wonderful mom is feeling better today.

  20. You are so cute, June! I think you look gorgeous on that pillow - even if it is really soft and squishy. I hope that your mom is feeling better. It's no fun at all to be sick on a holiday. *hugs*

  21. Your pillow looks comfy to me. I hope your Mom is feeling much better now.

  22. It's always best to rest when you don't feel well. No one demands that you have to visit every day. Friends don't make demands like that.

  23. That looks like a nice pillow to sit upon,June! We hope your Mom is feeling better, and we send our good thoughts and POTP!

  24. June, I don't blame you for not liking the squishy pillow.
    I like firmer pillows too :)
    Mum and I are hoping your mum is feeling better.
    I am sure your soft purrs and furs help her a lot!
    Purrs, Julie

  25. Mee-yow June you look not so comfy on that pillow....butt you are furry purrty...
    An wee sorry Miss Ann that you were not feelin well. Mee sendss you dubbell POTP an BellaSita Mum sendss white lite of healin two!
    **nose rubss** BellaDharma an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum
