April 25, 2022


Where's the remote?  I don't like this show!

Dropped my spring!  Pick it up.  Purrty please!

Now that you're all stretched out on the floor, camera ready to shoot, 
if you think I'm going to run through this box, ha, think again!

Waiting for me to do something cute?  It's gonna be a long wait.


If you ever wondered who's the boss at Zoolatry,
these pictures might answer that question.



  1. the remote is like the scepter of a king... or queen ;O)

  2. Of course we know who the boss is. Kitties are always the boss 'cause they do it their way. Although I like all your pictures, June, I got a big kick out of the first one, so that's my pick.

  3. June, you are being a bit sassy with your Mom. You should be nice to her since she provides you with your home and your food.

  4. we all KNOW who the Boss Is, and her name is JUNE.

  5. We are well aware that the 4-leggeds run the show in all of our homes and you look so comfy watching a TV show that needs changing, Juney.

  6. I've never had any doubt who was the boss at June's house. June.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  7. Run of the house ~ eh June? ~ Sweet photos of you ~ Xo

    Wishing you laughter and love in your day,

    A SutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. We have his and her remotes!! Haven't met a 4 legged that didn't rule the roost!!!

  9. You are cute all the time June. XO

  10. Those are fun bossy pics, June! The one with your spring on the floor made me wonder how you got so tangled up in the chair! I bet you ran through the box-tunnel as soon as your Mom wasn't looking:)

  11. We never had any doubt who was boss BOL!
    Sunny, Jakey & Rosy

  12. I like your upside down photo reaching for the spring, June.

  13. MOL MOL MOL ANN we who have been owned by precious felines know who the boss is from day one.
    June huMOM is wrapped around your sweet paw. I like all your photos
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. juney chowder az sure az we likez fish we noe whooz bozz over ther in yur state.....
    that show did look boring....like...wherz de catz ? !! :) ♥♥

  15. That last sweet photo tells the rest of the story beautiful June!

  16. You are cute all of the time, June! Even when you think you're not, you are. I hope that you were able to find your remote and get something good on the tv.

  17. Everyone knows the boss is always the small one with fur.

  18. Awww..she is cute! Love cats when they're resting and watching tv whilst their back is turned , I find them funny that way, and they just make us happy!

  19. My kitty cat cousins Tibie and Hanni are the bosses at their house, that's for sure!

  20. THE Boss isss JUNE!!!!!
    Butt you mew wee all mew this, even you Miss Ann!!!
    ****nose rubss**** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  21. June, Darling, you are ALWAYS cute...especially when you are stubborn! Purrs Marv
