May 23, 2022


I thought we scheduled a zoom meeting this morning, where is everyone?

The rest of us mousies is a-scared of you!

Mousies is not very smart. 



  1. the mice are still in moanday blues so they will come later ;O) we think alot about our friends today who had to stand this evil storms...

  2. prayers going up for those provinces and our friends Hailey and Phod and their parents... you loo surprised June, where oh where are those zoom membes

  3. Those mousies don't stand a chance, June. You're most adorable.

    Yikes on that horrible storm. Prayers all around.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  4. Thanks for sending your well wishes to us. We are doing ok. It is nice to be able to find time to stop by before we do more clean up this afternoon. Lee and Phod (hour 41 with no power)

  5. We appreciate the nod to the terrible storm that swept through our province and Quebec on Saturday. We were very, very lucky here, we had brief sideways rain and some lightning and that was it. But so many others were not so lucky in surrounding areas, including the Ottawa area, which is about two hours northeast of us. The last we heard was that at least nine people died in the storms, mostly from falling trees. Horrible. Our purrs and purrayers to all impacted.

  6. Best zoom meeting ever. XO

  7. Wish my Zoom meetings were lilke yours, June.

  8. Simon likes to have zoomy meetings too, with or without mice! We send prayers to those affected by the storm, we didn't know about it until today.

  9. Oh June ~ you are a smart cutie ~ sweet photos ~ Prayers for those with erratic storms ~ world is 'topsy turvy' to say the least ~ Be safe ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. That bad weather is an awful way to spend a holiday weekend...though its terrible at any time.

    Your meeting with the mousies... I do think they feel safer in hiding!

  11. You are such a cutie, June. We like to interrupt our mom's Zoom meetings she has with her crafting friends.

  12. Juney,
    At 8:30 am I had internet ...then bam it went bye bye. Shortly afterwards we left on our first road trip to a State Park since last fall. We just got home. More on that soon it involved 2.6 miles trek we two old codgers made it. It was quite a challenge. Thankfully Bryan did ok. I kept asking if he wanted to turn back we trudged on. Trail wasn't bad but there were 80,000 steps down to our destination of Raven Rock and the Cape Fear River.
    I'm trying to catchup. Just reading about the horrible weather in Canada.
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Sending good thoughts for all those impacted by the terrible storms.

  14. There's mousies on zoom? Modern mouse catching, I love it!

  15. I'd zoom in on some mousies . . .

  16. Mousies tend to be shy, at least the ones i've met.

  17. I wish you would open your zoom sessions to the public

  18. Mew mew mew Mousiess seem purrty smart to keep disstance June...butt you are nit a Mad Cat that wuud hert a Mousie efurr rite??
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an **giggellss** BellaSita Mum
