February 13, 2023


 Awww, June, you're so danged cute!
I know.

[PS I apawlogize for me 'n' mine Mommy, well mostly for mine Mommy
who has not taken me out visiting for a few days now, cause she's been
under-da-weather whatever that means, and in fact, she keeps 
missing my proper meal times cause she is always nappin', and that's
not fair at all, and if you can believe it, that nappin' is mostly in my polka dot chair!  
Anywayz.  We try to do better soon.  Or I will whap her.
She won't be thinking I'm so danged cute then.
Oh, and after tomorrow, Valentine's Day she'll be all out of my
pre-scheduled, pre-done, all ready-to-go posts and I have made it quite clear to her
that that is totally unacceptable ...]


  1. June, you must play nurse maid to your mommy. We purr she is not too sick with anything really awful. But just a bad cold can make a hooman very tired and unhappy. By the way, you look a bit upside down this morn. Precious

  2. bloggin takes a backseat to being under the weather, for sure... don't worry June, if you miss a post or two we will
    all be waiting

  3. hugs to your mama we hope better weather is soon dear june (hey that rhymes LOL)

  4. You are very cute and we all know that. Tell mom to feel better and you take good care of her, June.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  5. June, we are sorry to hear that your human isn't up to par with your bloggy requirements.
    Maybe you should feed her some treats, like she does to you?

  6. Hope your Mommy feels better real soon!

  7. You are adorable ~ sweet photo of you and hugs to Mom to feel better ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. We hope your mommy feels better soon, Juney!

  9. You are adorable. I hope your mommy feels better soon. XO

  10. Oh June I'm sorry Mommy is feeling less than perky. I hope and purr she is back to YOUR regular routine soon.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. When the peeps that we own feel sickly, it does turn our world upside-own, doesn't it ?!

    POTP for your Mommy, and tell her to feel better sooon, and we send our bestest get well wags and wiggles.

    If you warm her up her lap and give her tons of purrs, we are sure that will help a lot, try it, June, OK??!

  12. I hope your mommy is soon feeling better, June. Keep looking cute and that will help her.

  13. Oh Junie, we sure hope your Mama feels better soon!
    Rosy and Sunny

  14. We hope your Mom feels better very fast, June. We send purrs and we hope you join in with yours! Meanwhile you are super cute, always!

  15. Junie you are awdorable...but we hope your Mama feels better soon !

  16. Take good care of your Mama sweet June, like you, she is very special.

  17. You sure are a cutie, June. We don't think you should whap your mom if she is feeling poorly. Our paws are crossed in hopes it helps her feel better soon.

  18. June, you are most beautiful and i hope you forgive your mommy, when we are sick sometimes there are things we just cannot do.
