March 10, 2023


Oh, good morning, you caught me midst my morning ablutions. I really wasn't quite ready for my appearance here yet, but alas, here I am.  Most mornings this week I've had much more time to myself for primping and pampering.  You know, what with her taking her time to boot-up and all before attending to me.  It seems that will be "life in the slow lane" for some weeks to come.  We will adjust!  Meow.   

You might even say (though do so quietly) this has been a bit of a "lucky break" for me!  

It's been evident that the cell phone flash is going off less and less ~ perhaps her bobbling about is somewhat inhibiting to photo taking?  And if you've ever tried to do design work on a laptop tilted sideways on your lap because one leg is extended high into the air, well, I just heard her grumbling "drats cats this just ain't working well".




  1. I am sitting on sofa with chromebook in lap and just lifted my leg straight and you are right! aint working well for me either. enjoy you down time from the lens, love Beau

  2. I don't know June, but I'm thinking maybe a sideways laptop might make the artwork even more interesting than it has been in the past. And that's hard to believe.

  3. Are you waiting for tummy tickles?
    When I broke my leg it was first in plaster then I had a boot. Ivor bought one of those little tables that go over the bed. It adjusted high enough to go over the side of the chair and it didn't extend far enough to interfere with my raised leg. It was plenty big enough for a laptop.

  4. June, I do expect things will be quite unsettled for a while.
    When humans are hurt, it takes a while to recover and they are not joyful during recovery.
    However, your purrson will find ways of getting pictures of you and doing what she needs as the healing progresses.
    Enjoy your extra primping will not last!
    Purrs, Julie
    Speedy recovery Ann!!!!!(the mum)

  5. June, you look absolutely smoochable there.

    I hope your mom is managing to get around okay, maybe has some help if needed? I'm sending her tons of healing universal Light! ♥

  6. Even if she's crawling across to floor, June...she's still going to try to snap pics of you.
    And why not? You are adorable, honey bun!

  7. Taking your sweet time is always a good thing. She sure got a great relaxing picture of you, Juney!

  8. You are looking as cute as ever, June. We are keeping our paws crossed that your mom feels better soon.

  9. June that is the most kissable undercarriage I've seen in a long time...and that look on your face...just when you thought you were safe.
    Hugs cecilia

  10. Mom broke her ankle six years ago and it was a real hassle. She still took lots of photos but it was hard because she could not get down like she usually does. As for the leg up, she worked at her desk every day and put the boot leg up on the desk while she worked. It was not the best posture, but it worked and she could work while her leg was elevated. At least nothing is broken, that is a blessing. Always look for something to be thankful for. That is what our Mom says when times are tough.

  11. Despite everything, you are doing extremely well, Ann. Thanks to June for exposing her ginger tocks, too. My fave! I have never seen June from this angle before. Is she trying to mimic the angle of your laptop in your lap? Hope you are comfortable and getting enough rest for the healing process. Love, Wendy & Dani🦿💻🩼📸💌🇨🇦

  12. A darling picture of you June! More resounding purrs from us for your Mom to heal quickly!

  13. June, please tell your mommy that I can surely sympathize with being laid up for a while, after having two total knee replacements over the past few years. I hope she's feeling better real soon!

  14. I want to tickle that cute little foot. XO

  15. Your poor Mom, you need to take over the computer stuff sweet June!

  16. June, everything is slow around here. TW walks like she's walking on ice or something and our 'puter is super slow. It freezes at least once a day. When it's been asleep it won't wake up. Healing purrz to your Ann and "pazienza" to you. That's what Gramma used to say when she was stressed.

  17. Awkward positions seem to make the humans cranky because they cannot sustain them for too long at all...and then they'll be different issues as cramps in the muscles and a sore back...
    But wow, she did take a great picture of you and your multicolored belly...can petcretary come by and smooch it??

    Hang in there!!
    Sending healing thoughts and get well wishes!

  18. Having a paw out of commision is just not fun, especially a back paw.
