June 22, 2023



~ today is Thankful Thursday, we are so very thankful for our time together ~


  1. Happy blogoversary! Congratulations on 16 years! I hope you will be blogging and sharing your amazing graphic art for years to come. ❤️

  2. What a wonderful way to celebrate this day for yourself. Lovely pictures and artwork as usual. All the pets, don't we love them and then end up missing them till our heart breaks.

  3. Congratulations, that is a long time! We are in year twelve and it seems like Mom has done the blog forever. You do a great job and she remembers lots of those past. Cheers to many more wonderful years in the blogosphere.

  4. happy swet 16 blog-o-versary how geat that we still have our blogville

  5. Woot! 16 years, that's fantabulous!

  6. Wow! 16 years is amazing! Congratulations! We remember that yours was one of the first blogs we found when we started blogging.

  7. we are thankful for our time with you June and for the time before you were here. Your post looks wonderful today in your wonderful world. I am humming your song as I type. happy 16th anniversary

  8. Oh you have been blessed ~ Congrats on 16 years blogging and having such beautiful pets in your family ~ Xo
    one of my favorite songs too.

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Sixteen years? Gosh, that's amazing. Congratulations and continued success. Your photos and badges have brought such joy and comfort to Blogville. Thank you so much.

  10. Happy 16 years of wonderful posts with such gorgeous furpets!

  11. happee annie fur sarry two ewe mizzuz A and heerz two 160 mor! we iz buzzed happee we iz friendz, thanx for all ewe due for all oh uz, sell a brate two day witha perch pizza piez and sum friez and wavez two ewe juney chowder, cauz trubullz two day BEE COZ πŸŸπŸ˜ΊπŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’š

  12. Congratulations on 16 years of making this blogging community a wonderful place to be!

  13. Happy Blogoversary! We haven't been on the blogosphere as long, but Zoolatry has always been a fave at our house. Keep on keepin' on!

  14. Mark's Mews: A VERY Happy 16th Blogoversary to both of you!

  15. Happy anniversary! We're glad we have come to know you as well even if we weren't there from the beginning.

  16. Happy 16 years! Ann - I can hear Satchmo singing that song - brings tears to my eyes.

  17. Happy blogoversary, Ann. Whether through the celebration of your own furry friends, or your touching memorials for all of those that wait at the bridge for the whole blogosphere, your contributions to the community have made our whole world a better, more loving place.

    Here's to 16 more!!!
    πŸ’œ Pip and dee

  18. Ann happy 16th and what a beautiful post. If someone had told me prior to 2009, I was going to blog in the voice of a cat and HAVE SO MUCH FUN...I would never have believed them. What fun and what wonderful friends we have made.
    Hugs to you and June

  19. Happy 16th Blogoversary! Thank you for all your wonderful posts, and pets past and present that you share with us. Thank you too for the lovely graphics and cards you make.

  20. Happy 16th Blogaversary! What a lovely celebration with purrfect poetry and fabulous pictures!

  21. So many years, so much joy and so many happy times. Thank you for being our friend.

    Marjorie and Angel Dash Kitten

  22. Concatuations on your Blogoversary ! May your success continue !

  23. Such lovely photos. Happy 16th Blogoverary from all of us!!!

  24. Oops, I forgot to say thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  25. Happy Blogoversary!! Here's to many more years. XO

  26. Congratulations. That is quite the achievement. Here is to the next 16.

  27. I'm thankful i finally found your blog. Sure took me long enough, didn't it!

  28. It has been a wonderful 16 years too!!!!!
    Looking forward to many more!
    Purrs, Julie and mum

  29. Belated Happy Blogoversary! What a wonderful assortment of photos from over the years!

  30. WOW! Congratulations and 16th Blogoversary, dear friends. We are so, so grateful for you and for your friendship. Love and hugs on this special day and always.

  31. Where does the time go? It was great to see those pictures of all your fur friends from over the years.

  32. Happy belated 16th blogiversary! Thank you for sharing so much love with us!

  33. 16 years!! That is so amazing!! We are thankful that we've been on this journey with you for a few of those years.
