June 30, 2023


Yes, this is my blog and yes, I'm here every month.  But every furry knows that "June in June" is and was a special month for me, and now it is coming to a close.  So mine Mommy said I could do one of my "pick a pic" collections for this last day of the month.  Of course, I'm choosing a wholabunch of my favorite polka dot pictures.  I suppose you've seen some before, maybe not.  But I hope you'll like them just the same!  First, me up top: that's up top of my chair where I like to hang out a lot of the time.  Especially if you-know-who happens to be sitting in my chair, then you'll find me up top!  Then my special pics of me in my chair (after I've shooed you-know-who out of it).  Curled up, napping, you name it.  It's me.  The polka dot kitty.  Happy June ~ thanks for sharing my month with me.


  1. June, I love all your photos, especially the "silly" ones (in a good way) that make me smile. June definitely is/was your month! :-)

  2. next year we will have a june for june again... and next month we will have a month with june too... isn't that great?

  3. I love all your yoga positions and even more love the face that always looks so precious! waiting to see the art, you know i love art creations

  4. Each and every photo is a winner, Juney, and we love all of the polka dots!

  5. Polka dots become you, June.
    Every one should celebrate for a whole month!

  6. I'll look forward to next June ... and also look forward to June in July! (and August ... and September.... etc!)

  7. Dear Polka Dot June, we look forward to seeing what your mommy pulls out of the "hat" in July.

  8. June, what an epically epic finish to June, mew look furbulous sweetie!

  9. Purrfect ending to June in June month.

  10. I'll be there. Loving all these pictures of you, June.

  11. Spending June celebrating June has been a most wonderful fun month'
    I loved your recap and look forward to Mom's Month
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. It seems this month has gone by too fast! You sure got in a lot of great photos, though, June!

  13. How nice of you to let your mommy have a month. XO

  14. June, you certainly are a cat-of-many poses! Is that because you're POSE-ESSED? Only you know the truth, I supPOSE.

  15. You are the cutest polka dot gal ever sweetest June!

  16. That chair should be ALL yours since you look so purrfect in it!

  17. You sure look cute hanging out in your chair, June. We enjoyed your special month.

  18. June, I love seeing you in that chair. You look so sweet.

  19. What great pictures of you, June. Of course, you're a great model! We especially like the one of you in the polka dot chair. Umm, to be more specific, the bigger picture of you on the back of the chair with that very odd expression on your face. And the one after that with you behind the pillow. And, well, all of them! XOX Xena, Lucy, Chia and Riley

  20. You are so beautiful with your polka dots!

  21. You have set a fashion with your polka dots, June. The Princess of Wales is clearly your devoted follower - and so is Mummy, who will be wearing a polka dot dress at her concert this evening.
