August 27, 2023


I understand it is fairly common knowledge that I am attached to my polka dot chair.  
But I just wanted to mention I also rather like pillows, comfy pillows.  
Mine Mommy has lots of pillows here, there, everywhere,
so I'm sharing selfies today with my favorite polka dot pillow!


  1. That is a very nice pillow and selfies, June.

  2. the last photo said it all, Love Pillow ha ha. I like all the pillows we see today, beautiful shades of blue

  3. June, you live in furry elegant surroundings, admirably suited to your own elegant beauty. You are, without a doubt, THE Polka Dot Kit (mol).

  4. You sure do have your pick of pillows and the polka dot one absolutely suits you best, Juney!

  5. MOL MOL June did you tell each polka-dot a deep dark secret?
    Just adorable.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Great polka dots, and some beautiful selfie poses, Juney. Enjoy that nap, okay? XO

  7. It's so cute how much you love your polka dot pillows and chair, June.

  8. Lovely polka dots. We see taking those photos really tired you out!

  9. Hi pretty June!! I love the pillow! You look delightful posing by it! xoxo

  10. Very cute photos, especially the last one. XO

  11. You should write 1001 uses for a polka dot pillow

  12. Sat here smiling at your lovely poses by the polka dots, beautifully posed young lady! I hope you and mum have a good and peaceful week.

  13. Lovely Selfie, June. So nice of Mom to have the polka dot pillow right there for you. Our Mom really misses Pier One Imports where she would find lots of beautiful pillows. She just got some new ones last week for the sunny part of the family room, but we aren't allowed near them, something about pillows and fur:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. We really love the love pillow and you and your Lady for contributing to the POTP that helped Lee. thank you! Lee and Phod and their peeps

  15. June, you are too darn cute. We are curious as to what you are looking at in photo #2. You look quite engaged and interested. Thanks for hopping with us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  16. Studies in white spotting contrasts ... When humans place white spots on a solid color field the result is perfect symmetry ... When the white spotting gene affects a cat, the result is beautifully asymmetric patterns in a tabby and white cat like June, or a solid color cat like a tuxie or cow kitty ... Yay, white spotting! And it's' gene!

  17. We have a lot of fancy pillows too. They almost completely fill the hall closet! The last time our favorite little human, Lily visited, she made a pillow fort out of them. But GW put them all away again later because she thought we pups might be tempted to chew on them. Can you believe it???? So enjoy your pillows, June.

  18. Pillows are the little something that finishes a look, or a perfect place to nap!

  19. You are such a pretty polka dot girl sweet June!

  20. No wonder that's your favorite polka dot pillow, June. It's long, like you.
