September 24, 2023

SUNDAY SELFIE ~ Sharing the Chair

I am not a lap cat.  Oh, I'll get up here when it's time for brushies, as I do love those.  But the second that brushing stops, I'm up, up and away.  It sort of makes mine Mommy a little bit sad that I won't-and-don't sit with her ~ neither one of us is quite sure "why".  

But be that as it may ... I am so, so happy to be back on my bloggie after eleventy-billion years away, that I decided to say "thank you, mommy" ... so I sat with her!  

Yes, I did.  Right next to her in our my polka dot chair.  And I stayed a long while, and even let her pet me ... and even let her take these nice selfie-pictures.  So now she can look back at these pictures and remember, there was that one time, that once, that June and I sat together.  Oh yeah.


  1. good job June. I wonder now were you sharing her chair or was she shareing your chair. this is the question. there is also the question of why cats do what they want, when the want and do not come when called.

  2. yer mommy will get the leg time when u are older, June. i did not do legs until i was maybe 5 or 6. now it is regular tv entertainment even if lynn does not like what's on. precious

  3. We aren't lap cats either. We like snuggling up NEXT TO Mummy, but with the exception of Caspurr, We won't sit on her lap.

  4. Who knows what the future may bring, June!

  5. Eleventy-billion years is a long time and for me it felt like twice that! I am happy to see that there is photographic evidence of that "one time" of sitting together 😁

  6. I beautiful image it is too. It is good to share, be it laps, beds or sofas, MOL. Have a lovely week

  7. Our angel cats said sometimes the problem with laps is they move. So many beside is a good idea. Lee and Phod

  8. Aww, that was so nice of you, Juney. Maybe this could be a trend, and you will sit with Mom every now and then?

    P.S. - Ava used to not be a lap cat, BUT we now have a special time each morning with me sitting on the floor, and her in my lap. We watch the birds and squirrels together through our sliding glass door. Otherwise, she will come on the couch with us every now and then, but it is a rare treat.

  9. That was nice of you to share the chair with your mom for your selfies.
    When they were young, Flynn was a lap cat but not Eric. Two or three years later and Eric loved laps but Flynn decided he preferred to be on my shoulders. It is difficult to sit for long with 16 pounds on your shoulders, but I am thankful Eric didn't decide to do the same!

  10. Thanks so much Miss June for giving your Mom something so wonderful as a shared chair! You sure made her happy!

  11. That's so sweet of you to share your chair with your mom, June. Those are cute selfies.

  12. Junie, maybe Mom should brush you more slowly so you stay on her lap longer. And maybe you should learn to appreciate The Lap a bit more. Marley and I (Lori) adore the closeness ans warmth..

  13. We Airedales are known for being aloof. Are you part Airedale, Juney?! Having said that, mom's AireBoys were always more affectionate than her AireGirls.

  14. June, you look so very comfy there! Surely you'll be inspired to do that again!

  15. Some people are not hug people, some cats are not lap cats. We're just all different.

    I'm glad you are back and you sat with her this time.

  16. How sweet of you to share your chair. XO

  17. That was super sweet of you to park next to your Mom sweet June!

  18. You should try your mom's lap more often! Laps are the best! --Mudpie

  19. Momma says she has one cat that turned into a lap cat in her very old age, so ya never know!

  20. You made your mom very happy, June.

  21. Chaplin: "Good job, June! It's nice to toss the human a bone once in a while. That encourages them to keep trying."
    Java Bean: "Did someone say they were tossing bones???"

  22. June, I'm sure your Mom appreciates your other redeeming qualities, even if she wished you were also a lap cat. Angel Lexi was my heart dog, but from the time she was a little puppy she refused to lap sit. I understand.
