October 16, 2023

CHRISTMAS ?? !! What about Halloween and Thanksgiving ??

O.K., O.K.  Yes, we know.  The ornaments and twinkling lights are still packed away.  
You haven't even thought about your card list.  
There are still pumpkins on the porch and no cranberry in the cupboard ~ 
But, for all you kitties who love gifting kitty friends,
now is the time to sign up for 2023 Secret Paws!
[and meow, if'n you haven't joined in the past, paw over and check it for this year]

And for all pets, all you critters [and peeples] who love to exchange holiday cards, stay tuned to The Cat Blogosphere, in early November, we'll announce how you can sign-up for the 2023 Holiday Card Exchange.

And then there's us, here at Boolatry, er, Zoolatry ~


  1. wow is it still that time again? the time is a fast thingy...

  2. with all that work you do, it is time to start because time is on fast forward here, the days are fleeing at an alarming rate.

  3. We keep hearing that Christmas is right around the corner and it really is!

  4. Love the idea of a Holiday Card exchange, can't believe it's almost Christmas, we did our first Christmas post on our insta last week lol

  5. Wonderful and colorful holiday reminders here today June. Thanks a furry bunch.

  6. Got to plan ahead. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  7. Thanks for the Christmas reminders. I don't mind them here, but I get annoyed when stores push it so soon. Yet I don't mind seeing Halloween stuff in the middle of the summer. :) XO

  8. We wish there were a doggy gift exchange still. That sure was fun, but we do look forward to the card exchange. We've met lots of new kitty friends by participating in the card exchange.

  9. Ohhhhhhh tis da season for so many things.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Tempis fugit, and we sure hope we'll be ready...in time! We have done that card exchange by email a few times, now. Even though we only send out ecards, it is amazing how many snail mail cards we got!

  11. Seriously considering a Christmas theme this year! We may do the card exchange though!

  12. It really is hard to believe how quicky we're moving into the Tis the Season things, but here it comes sweet June!

  13. Halloween is so close, and Mom has to get the treats for the kiddos. And Thanksgiving, turkey time - we can't wait And Christmas!!! Oh yes, we need to get our lists together.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. It might feel early for these holidays, but everything always went so much more smoothly if we planned in advance! It's more festive and practical, too!

  15. It is time to start the plotting and planning, isn't it.
