October 10, 2023


So, I was pawing through all the Meow-O-Ween costumes in my closet,
and even though I've only celebrated three years of trick 'n' treat times, I have
many more costumes than "three" ... when suddenly mine Mommy yelled at me from t'other room ... 
"wear my favorite today for Happy Tuesday, it'd make me so happy!"
So I am, so I hope she is happy.

And my angel sister Zoey even wore an-almost-look-alike costume once upon another Boolatry!  Wasn't she cute?

And let me share a little secret with you about why this is a favorite.  This secret goes way, way back ... long before me, long before Zoey.  Mine Mommy was not a bazillion years old like she is now, and she was going to have her "first litter" (well, maybe not a litter, maybe just one) ... and she had always loved Raggedy Ann and Andy since she'd been a little-kit-kid herself ... so that was how she decorated the room for the new family member to be.  That kit turned out to be a girl, so Raggedy Ann took over ... but OMC ... about a year later ... guess what, Raggedy Andy moved into that room because another little-kit-kid arrived (sort of unexpectedly you might say) and you guessed it, it was a boy this time.  And just to finish up the story ... for the next bazillion years ... a Raggedy Ann puppet sat atop the Christmas tree in their home ... and so, yes ... it's a favorite, fur sure.



  1. oh your sister was sp super cute... and you look fantabulous too...

  2. Our mom has a Raggedy Ann and Andy in her box of toys upstairs. They are both really old, from when she was a little girl, but she still takes out some of her toys to look at once and a while and she tells us all about them. What a great story you have there, June.

  3. Too cute! And what a special memory of your mommy.

  4. You and Angel Zoe make great Raggedy Anns. And your mommy is Ann! She has wonderful history of Raggedys and her own kits before you came along.

  5. Great photo of you and Angel Zoe and we love the Raggedy Ann story and photo.

  6. and now we have Raggedy June! Your mommy might like Raggedy becuase it fits with her name... good job to both of you

  7. You sure make a cute Raggedy Ann, June. We bet your mom likes those striped socks too.

  8. Charlee: "Ain't we a pair ... Raggedy Ann?"
    Oona: "What?"
    Charlee: "I'm paraphrasing Auntie Entity."
    Oona: "Who?"
    Charlee: "Never mind."

  9. June this is all kinds of precious! WOW That is my favorite on you too.
    No matter how old your Mommy is she is as beautiful today as in 1975 what a smile
    Hugs cecilia

  10. Aww ~ so cute ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Sorry, Angel Zoey...June wears it better!

  12. You and your sister Zoey look just adorable, June! And what a precious memory of your mommy!

  13. June, you are a mighty cute
    Raggedy Ann :)
    Made mum and I smile :)
    Purrs, Julie

  14. What a lovely story! We think you look adorable as Raggedy Ann too!
    Sunny and Rosy

  15. You and Angel Zoey both make great Ragedy Anns. XO

  16. Squeeee! You are so darling in that costume June! I loved my Raggedy Ann when I was growing up a bazillion years ago, still have her too and she is truly raggedy now.

  17. My Raggedy Ann was loved until she totally wore out...

    This post makes me smile all over, inside and out.

  18. You both look so cute as Raggedy Ann and we love the story!

  19. That was so super special and it made petcretary happy, to read all about it and see the memories, too.

  20. It's wonderful that you are PurrPetuating these memories in such a fun and regenerative way. I never knew what was behind the striped socks at Christmas before this. And it's also so cool to see you in 1974 with your raggedy friend. Raggedy Ann, I guess -- no wonder you are so attached. She's one of your alter-egos! Wow, so many revelations in one post!

  21. Aww! Juney, we think you and Angel Zoey both make the cutest Raggedy Anns ever!

  22. You both look very cute with that outfit, sweet Juney and Angel Zoey and your mommy still wears that beautiful smile😺 Extra Pawkisses to all of you🐾😽💞

  23. Zoey was definitely cute, but oh my gosh, you are the cat's meow! What a wonderful story about your two-legged brother and sister. Wondering if they are Raggedy Ann and Andy fans too, as they are all grown up.
