February 17, 2024


Today's art is on focus and lighting.  I find it hard on occasion to tell if an image is truly well focused and sharp, both in foreground and background.  It may appear so "on camera", yet be considerably different once transferred to my computer and into Photoshop.  Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised, sometimes not.  The same holds true for lighting as all of June's photos are shot indoors, impacted completely by day vs night, the amount of sunlight vs shadow and/or any natural lighting in the room.  All these factors can distort her fur colors and any color values around her.  The major thing I'm so thankful for is the fast-action of our newer cell phone cameras so that red-eye or blank-eye is automatically eliminated, yet even so, available lighting will show June's eyes as golden or green at any given time ~ good, because they actually are.  Back to focus now: this photo did have sharp focus, good lighting. I could zoom in, crop to tight portions of the image and it remained sharp and clear.  And that's all one could want!  No fuss, no muss, nothing else needed to pull together a little montage and lay into a muted same image background. 


  1. The struggle is real: it looks good on my viewfinder, but once it's on the screen of my monitor, that's when the blur shows, or a light streak.
    June is adorable in montage!

  2. Lovely photos of you, June. I keep saying it and I will say it again, you have beautiful eyes.

  3. I am glad you did this, light makes all the difference, straight up, sideways, slanted. and if i have a subject that is still, moving the lens different places changes what it looks like. i like the dark bluish one at the top. and i know it is light because the others show her true colors. bob watches a car auction on TV and it is the perfect example, the cameras pan the car and one way it looks black another its purple or blue, that is why ansel adams was so good, he knew how to play with light

  4. Beautiful shots of you, Juney. Your eyes are so gorgeous!

  5. June "eye" say bravo to the 'eyes'!!
    Hugs cecilia

  6. What a beautiful picture of your sweet June.

  7. We love this montage of pretty Juney. Look how big and round her eyes are! XO

  8. Love this series of phases of the same picture, each showing a slightly different "mood". It has such an elegant feel!

  9. The "eyes" have it! Thanks to your ability to manipulate light and shadow. June appears to be so deep in thought, and only she can reveal her inner self. Beautiful girl.

  10. We could look at your beautiful eyes all day long sweet June!

  11. You certainly know your stuff when it comes to photography. June's pupils are mesmerizing.

  12. These are beautiful. June, what big eyes you have!
    And such beautiful colours!

  13. It's nice when the magic comes together. June has beautiful eyes, but you knew that.
