February 02, 2024


 Watcha doin, Mommy?
Working on your blog, Juney, another new post for you.

But that's not new.  You posted that picture two weeks ago for Happy Tuesday.
Oh My Cat, you're one smart girl, how did you know that?
OK, I'll delete it and look for another picture ...

I keep track, after all, it is my blog.
Well, just so you know, I was looking back for the same reason, so I wouldn't repeat,
'cause I'm kinda-sorta like old and so I forgets sometimes.

Indeed you do, like when you forgets it's time for my lunch.
Well, yeah.  But you do have ways of reminding me, right?

Indeed I do.  Or I wouldn't be smart June! 
On Tuesday or Awww Monday or Feline or Flashback Friday or any other day.

Wait a minute, now you've really got me confused, what day is it?  Oh noes!
See, you made me hit publish without a picture!
Oh noes.


  1. oy.... the mama forgot to publish the whole post today... fortunately she remembered some hors later...

  2. June, we love your polka dot and heart header! Be sure to help mommy do the bloggy thing.

  3. so glad this happened, because today we have a post that says thankful thursday and we know it is nature friday. one blog is thankful and one is nature. oh well, now we know we are not the only ones with memory issues

  4. June I love your new header and no matter the age of your photos or if they are flashes from the past they are always purrfect
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. June, your header pictures are sufficiently cute to go with your text!
    Mariette + Kitties

  6. Lulu: "Our Dada says June must be a fan of the song 'Can't Repeat' by the famous minstrels The Offspring."
    Java Bean: "Who are The Offspring?"
    Lulu: "Not sure. Somebody's kids, I guess."

  7. BOL...We feel ya Junie, Mama also has days like that, BOL
    Sunny and Rosy

  8. Good thing you keep her in line June. XO

  9. We enjoy conversations as well as pictorials, June! And your new header photos are delightful!

  10. Giggle...June, you're too clever. Us pets have to keep our Mom's focused-sometimes we can save them from themselves, sometimes we don't. But never fear, we know you're still too cute.

  11. We loved your conversation with your mom even if there isn't any picture of you, June.

  12. Ah, well, we forgive you both...because we love that new header image, so that did us well for today!

  13. MOL!!!! Mum says welcome to her world ;) She is old(MOL!)but is a good mum to me and there is Auntie
    to look out for me too :) Now I just have to remind her to post more often!!!!!
    Purrs, Winnie

  14. Bestest blog header ever with so many Juney polka dots!

  15. That happens sometimes, but we know you are adorable sweet June!

  16. We pets who read your blog thank you for making sure it is all it can be.

  17. Oh noes, no picture! Uh, June, you get lunch? How did you get your Mom to start doing that? We only get fed twice a a day, and we get pretty hungry. Of course, we would eat all day long if we had a chance! XOX Xena and my gang

  18. You do know, a funny conversation with a cat counts as a cat blog post, right?

  19. We dont miss meals much. Every morning, TBT takes out cans for all of us. 3 for Lori, 3 for Marley, and 6 for us (Loki and Binq). TBT is getting older too, so he has to organize the day carefully (for us). For himself, he just eats when he feels like it.
