February 22, 2024


February.  The month when we spend an extra moment or two thinking of love.  Though it should be at the top of the list each and every day.  Love of one another, always say it, always show it.  Talking with a dear and best friend recently, we agreed how often we remember our "firsts", those moments ... I rode my first bike, I had my first kiss ... Yet when we are experiencing a "last", we do not even know it.  And as life goes on, so very quickly, and one looks backward, there are many "lasts".  The last time I ...  

Don't ever let there be a "last" when you forgot to say I love you.

As I spent some time looking at old family photos earlier this month, this photo said I Love You.  My Mom, now gone from this earth some fourteen years looking on and loving her great grandson ~ he, soon to begin a new life in college, but his love shining in those young toddler eyes.  I was then, always will be thankful for both of them, I love them both, I still say it.


  1. such a precious photo, young and old and true love from both of them. photos can jog our memories good and bad. I like to find photos who prove things were good even when i thought they were not

  2. What a beautiful post, Ann. I'm coming up on a year without my mom (March 15), and I will be forever grateful that nothing was left unsaid. Sending you hugs. ❤️

  3. Java Bean: "Ayyy, so true! And hard to imagine that toddler going off to college now!"

  4. That is absolutely precious just precious. I love his sweet little hand touching his GGma's face
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Such wonderful memories and we're all lucky to have them!!! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. What a lovely and thoughtful post - thanks for the reminder.

  7. Indeed, we NEVER know when a 'last moment' is crossing our path.
    Though I knew pretty well when I hugged my Mom for a final time, before flying home on our 64th trip to The Netherlands, this would be the very last time: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2015/02/mom-lived-16-days-short-of-her-91st.html
    But that made for a rich memory and we've done our share. Their soul will be forever close to us!
    Mariette + Kitties

  8. This is such a wonderful reminder that life is short, and we need to savor each memory in the moment, not just through the camera lens. Momma is so guilty of always having a camera in hand to record us fur babies doing stuff, but then looks back and says she sees the photo but doesn't remember the actual moment. Living life in the moment should be our first priority upon waking each day. Love , Dori

  9. Yes indeed!
    That is a very precious image, to treasure and love forever.

  10. Awwww, very sweet picture, and lovely thoughts!

  11. And that college-kid would be embarrassed to know we were all looking at his baby pic!

  12. That's such a sweet picture and a wonderful message for all of us to remember.

  13. Such a sweet photo. Thank God for photos to preserve these special moments. XO

  14. That is so profound what you said about firsts and lasts. We just never know.

  15. There's a song with the lyric, "If I had only known the last time would be the last time, I would have put off all the things I had to do."

    The photo is wonderful.

  16. Ethan with your Mom, I presume. What a marvelous picture to look back on! So very beautiful and heartwrenching at the same time. Love is always and forever. Apparently science has now confirmed that consciousness is indeed a continuum.

  17. Precious doesn't even begin to describe that photo. My dad says he feels two sides of this: he wishes he told his mom he loved her more often before she passed away, and he's grateful that (most of) his grown children still say "I love you" back to him every time he tells them.

  18. Love means the world to those who do it and to those who receive it. 💙
