April 29, 2024


I had a day-mare.  
That's just like a night-mare, 'cept in the day time!
The aliens were coming to get me!

I heard the big wooshing noises of their galactic space vehicles
and saw strange light beams overhead through half open eyes,

I was so so a-scared ...
so then I just kept my eyes closed really real tight ...

Awww, June, it's okay ... wake up, little girl ...
that's just Ms Maria, vacuuming in our hallway, and Mommy is
windexing your windows so you can see the birdies better and
the sun made funny-lights on the wall above you
through half open blinds ...
no aliens, no space ships ...
come here, have a cookie and a cuddle, awwwwww ... 



  1. I thought you really had a spacecraft hovering outside your window on the world. that would be a day or night mare for sure. you are safe and mommie is there with you to cuddle

  2. June, your mommy would never let aliens get you!

  3. Aw, that sounds like a very scary dream, June. I'm glad there really weren't aliens coming to get you!

  4. June you have full service at your abode All served up with love, fun, food by da Best Mommy who anticipates your every desire
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Calm yourself, June...you are surrounded by love!

  6. You're safe with your Mommy who loves and protects you.

  7. It's good that mom makes sure the aliens can't get to you. She's good that way. You're so cute.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to June. ♥

  8. June, we are two peas in a pod, we do not like strange noise! Good thing that vacuum thingy was outside your door. Precious

  9. Awww, I can see where that was a little scary, June! But it's just noisy, all is okay!

  10. Awww, sweet June, we are so happy you have Mommy there to calm you and make that bad daymare go away.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. Awww, sweet June, your Mama wouldn't let the aliens get you!

  12. We can understand why you would be scared of all those noises and bright lights, June.

  13. June, our three kitties are so used to the two ladies running the vacuum cleaners, upstairs and downstairs, they don't panic anymore.
    Hope you got calmed down by your Mommy!
    Pieter, Mariette + Kitties

  14. Dreams have an odd way of messing with our minds, don't they?

  15. Awww, we were shaking with you, Junie. So glad it was just a bunch of common stuff the peeps do! XOX Xena and my pack

  16. Your mommy is there to protect you, you will always be okay.

  17. Junie, you are so cute when napping. And not napping, of course. Nice pillow too!

  18. Aww, you'll be all better, June. And your home will be ever so tidy and spotless.

  19. Java Bean: "Ayyy, not the vacuum! Anything but the vacuum!!!"
