May 19, 2024


I'm planning on a easy Sunday, very easy.

Mine Mommy says she might do laundry this afternoon, or maybe
go to her favorite consignment shop (I bet she'll choose the latter ...).

What are your Sunday Sunday plans?  
Whatever you may do, 
meow ~ enjoy!



  1. It sounds like you are both going to have a great day! Happy Sunday!

  2. we will be headed to the park with Beau at daybreak, our usual early am Sunday, Sunday. then we head back to do the same old thing we do 7 days out of the week, hang out at home.

  3. That's an excellent pose, June. I'm going to check out a nap or two. Mrs H has done the shopping and will, after the chores, gardening, car service, general blogging duties and making lunch, be having a well earned nap; 5 mins ought to be enough, I think....

  4. Dearest June,
    You made me smile as our Tiggy–Tiger often covers her face like that while sleeping.
    Yep, more laundry for today and changing the bed linens tomorrow...
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. Happy snoozy day sweet June and happy shopping to your Mom!

  6. Hi June
    I just had a very nice EMW in my neighborhood.
    I'll make us a fruit and cheese plate for lunch
    and each Sunday at 4:30 we talk to favorite SIS and BIL of Angel Madi
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Our #1 spent most of the morning cleaning the guest bathroom as we have friends arriving on Tuesday. And she's now contemplating doing some work so she gets ahead of schedule.

    Enjoy your quiet Sunday, June!

    The Chans

  8. Have a lovely time this Sunday, June and Mom! I'll be lounging around with cats today!

  9. You look like you're enjoying a nice nap, June.

  10. Looks like a good day for a comfy nap, June. Here we are hanging out in the cool a/c as it has gotten very warm outside.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. June, a paw over the eyes is the purrfect way to get through Sunday.

  12. Hi Juney! We hope you and Mom both had purrfect days, respectively. :)

  13. Laundry takes a back seat to almost everything, unless I get down to where all I have left to put on is my wedding dress!

  14. My Sunday plans were laid out for me at my relaxing there! Even though I enjoy my work, its hard sometimes...but even at only 2 days a week, it is good for me and my fitness even!
    Suddenly its summer here, we were 86 in the afternoon! Next few days is more of the same along with thunderstorms...and hopefully no more tornadoes, the four we had last week were way too many...

    Did your Mine Mommy get some good stuff at the consignment store?

  15. Charlee: "Looks like somebody can't even right now!"
