June 15, 2024

THE CATURDAY CAT (from a Fun Friday!)

The world looks very busy today ~

I need a closer look!

A note from mine Mommy: JUNE was certainly intent on watching something here on the street or in the sky yesterday though I've no idea just what it was.  Until ... oh no, oh dear, meow, meow!  One of the biggest and most exciting week-long events in Baltimore is beginning ~ FLEET WEEK.  And although we're planning to go enjoy much of it at the Inner Harbor tomorrow, had not paid attention to the schedule otherwise.

Shortly after 11 a.m., a booming noise so loud as to hurt ones ears came down on us, JUNE nearly flew from window to kitchen counter to top of the cabinets ... the noise was barely over ... when boom ... there it came again ... and off she went again from the cabinet tops, screeching and into the hall closet!  

Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat over the next 30 minutes or so ... I had pulled the blinds wide open and though my ear drums ached, was thrilled and enthralled as with nose pressed to glass I viewed my own private air show in the blue skies above the city.  Military jets doing acrobatics leaving contrails, twisting, turning, climbing and diving.  Even ducked my head once as one seemed to head straight toward the building before a sharp turn upward!  Not long after, jets in formation doing flybys.  Once it quieted, JUNE came out for lunch.  Only to disappear again around 3 p.m. when a second show began.  Not a happy afternoon for her but a very fun one for the Mommy.  

P.S. we later looked at the FLEET WEEK website and learned that Friday afternoon was planned as the practice session for all the events flyovers!
Needless to say, as good as my I-phone camera might be it's not as fast as those military jets!  All I got were lots and lots of blue sky photos ...



  1. How exciting! But I bet the ships will be much quieter, June.

  2. It would have been so much better for you if it would have been a quiet event, Juney, although it does sound very exciting for your mom!

  3. That was an exciting spectacle, even if June didn't think so.

  4. when I read FLEET all I thought of were ships, but forgot about the aircraft carriers.. I bet this was a spectacular show. poor June, no way to explain the noise. talk about having a birds eye view of the jets. Wow! I showed these photos to Bob and he loves them. you look so cute in the first two... precious!

  5. Big booms are not fun when unexpected!
    We watched the air show at the local ANG base last weekend, and marveled as the jets flew overhead.

  6. What fun things to see sweet June!

  7. You are so lucky to have a birds eye view of the air show. Too bad they made booms to scare June.

  8. June well done alerting Mom to what is going on outside. The loud booms would have me seeking a hiding place too.
    It is probably way too hot to enjoy the events from the Harbor. I'm hoping you and Mom can enjoy some from the window
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Wow, I bet that was exciting! But I know it also scared June and all other kitties in the area! Enjoy Fleet Week!

  10. We hear you, June! We have a French Air Force not al that far from here and as July 4th (National Day) draws closer, they start practicing for their Paris flyovers by flying over our house!

    The Chans

  11. Oh no, that is so rough on any kitty's ears! They don't like it and sure love to hide.
    But good for you for getting a special show.
    Mariette + Kitties

  12. Wow, that sure was exciting, and how great that you could see it from your window, Ann! Sorry that it was scary for you, Juney. :(

  13. Sorry about the noise June. XO

  14. Looks like you have a great view from your window.

  15. Oh, that must have been so exciting. We are sorry June was afraid, but we think if we were there, we would have joined her in hiding too.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. Sounds furry exciting. Especially love that furrst shot of Juney. What an unusual angle!

  17. That must have been very scary. Mum and I don't like loud noises. You have a great view, June!

  18. While I'm sorry for June's ears, I am glad for you, getting to see the fun.

  19. Whoa...we had no idea Fleet Week was noisy! But at least you had a good view of the happenings.

  20. That kind of 'noise' happens here, too, every week of the July Fourth holiday...we have balloons and all kinds of aircraft, sometimes as will be this year, the Thunderbirds. Sometimes the Blue Angels, and once even the Canadian Snowbirds! And its is SO hard to get any pictures that are decent!!

    Is there such a thing as earplugs for kitties?? Maybe ear muffs, they have those for babies...

    We used to have the A 10's at our national guard airport, but they are in another area now...

  21. June, we would have all been on our Mommy trembling and asking her to make it stop! And we're big (kinda'), brave (sometimes) dogs! XOX Xena and my pack
